Monday, September 17, 2007

Random Thoughts

Emmy Rants

I didn't watch the Emmys last night, but I was happy to see America Ferrara win for her role on Ugly Betty and 30 Rock (best comedy since Arrested Development) win. Both were totally deserving. However, I was bewildered, dismayed and wanting to know how in the world did Katherine Heigl win best actress for Greys Anatomy? Her storyline in Season 2 tanked, her storyline in Season 3 was even worse...and she won the Emmy? The Emmy? Just because she's hot doesn't mean that translates well into acting. She's the weak link on Greys and she wins the Emmy? Between Heigl and Jeremy Piven winning, I'm glad I didn't watch.

Sherpa Wants

I saw this sweater on Whip up, and I fell in love. I want, but then I think if I have that sweater, I'll probably wear it any time I can..its absolutely brilliant and I've never been a big fan of Wonder Woman. Check out the original blog and pictures here.

Best Week Ever

The fall is becoming busy, just the way I like it, but the week of the 24th to the 29th has pretty much turned into the best week ever. Seeing DC United play Chivas, A Bob Dylan concert and then taking in a Yankees game that may mean something (the second to last game in the regular season?) the next night?


Anonymous said...

I knew you were a big Dylan fan; but,I had no idea how infatuated he was w/ you!

Sparklebot said...

I didn't watch either, but I'm glad about 30 Rock. I enjoy ugly Betty, but I don't think America Ferrerra is all that great of an actress. And, while Katherine Heigl isn't the best on the show, I'd have to say the "weak link" is the lead--the actress who plays Meredith is SO ANNOYING.

HOO said...

That sweater posting is crap. They can't just inspire instant lust like that and then not even provide a PATTERN! Life's to tough to get teased everywhere you go! I loathe you, Interweb!

Sara said...

I agree with you about Katherine Heigl. Not a good actress. I agree with your friend Smash, too. Meredith is not a good actress either. And her face doesn't move. It's creepy.

I was in love with Wonder Woman when I was little. I want that sweater!

Jules said...

The only reason I watched the Emmys is because I knew Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert were presenting an award together, and that combo is usually fun to watch. I TiVoed it, so I skipped through most of it. TiVo is the best.

Amen to your observations!

Joy said...

guy-Its mutual admiration. Although it looks like he's into himself and Zombie Steve more than me! Oh well.

Smash-Yeah, Pompeo is probably my 2nd least favorite. Meredith is annoying to me at least half the time...but Heigl? Oy she sucks. She's a Keanu Reeves.

Ferrara is likeable as Ugly Betty, that's all I ask for. But yeah, she isn't that great, but I'm glad she got it. Really, the supporting actors and actresses are my faves, and the reason I keep watching it.

Hoo-Yeah it is.

Best-That sweater is awesome, awesome.


aisy said...

the sweater rawks... i didn't even know the emmy's were one. i'm outta touch.

Joy said...


I didn't realize the Emmys were last weekend until Friday and that was only because on Yahoo's main page was a piece on Emmy Dresses.

Joy said...

Jules, Ah, the magical tivo.

Laurie said...

I just fell in love with you all over again, Sherpa!

Oh my heck, that sweater is GORGEOUS! My head hurts from thinking about what it took to make that!