Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Wordless: Christmas in my House Edition


Joy said...
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Joy said...

My roommate (who is currently headed to the other side of the world and can't get mad at me for this) has spent the past 6 years collecting Christmas tree ornaments amongst her travels. It's her project that's very near and dear to her heart so I don't decorate our tree. Anyway, I found the tree decorated in her room a few days ago. I realized a) this is the only part of my house that's really decorate for christmas and b) I really need to work more at having my own Christmas decorations. Is this post passive agressive? Not really. I've already talked to her about moving it into the living room, which I plan to do in the next day or two.
Really, I hope you enjoy Kelli's Personal Christmas!

Brenda said...

WHen I looked at the photo, I thought, "Hey that's the treeskirt that Kelli's mom made." (I have one too.)

Brent said...

Pretty! And the tree skirt is adorbz.

Sukhmandir Kaur said...

As well as becoming more commercialized,Christmas has be become more personalized, because we live in an ever more diversified world where not everyone celebrates. But still we can share in and appreciate another's joy and enthusiasm whether or not it's our thing.