Friday, September 16, 2005

Gob's Dream Job

A couple of weeks I passed through the Union Station Metro Station on my way to the Supreme Court. As i came out of the ground on the escalator, I caught my first glimpse of the Union Station Segway Police Force of at least one. Needless to say, my first thought was, "is that a "hot cop" but no, I'm pretty sure it was a cop, not a stripper or a rent a cop. I could see how a people mover would be a great tool for a, come to DC and see our segway cops!!!

Photos (Top is a segway herd, bottom is the Bluth Boys discussing construction)


Sparklebot said...

I think we all know how I feel about Segways--and GOB because he rides one.

HOO said...

Do the AD writers know about this? They have to turn this into a story line somehow. Thanks for the huge cackle. And did you notice how Giuliani diPandi or whatever the hell her name is let Carson interview Will because she was too embarrassed about her non-pickup at the golden globes.

And how awesome is it that Steve Holtz is GOB's son?