The Feminist Call to Play Sports
This morning I was checking the friend's blogs to see if anyone had posted anything new and Aisy had a post dedicated to one of the most backwards, hillarious nonsense I've read in a while. "Should Women play Sports?" On the website "Ladies against Feminism." Curiously, the article was written by a man, but I digress.
Anyway, Scott Jonas makes the case that women should not play sports because it trains women to be like men so they can better compete with men in traditionally masculine roles - i.e., compete with them in the workforce, in politics, in the military, and in sports. Yeah, because.....what the hell?!? Why shouldn't women participate equally in the workforce, in politics, in the military and in sports?
In the end, Scott asks the age old question “Can a woman do this activity and retain a Biblically feminine character?”
I know I ask that of myself every day.
----Sherpa the Biblical Feminist
(That's my Grandma True Feild--circa '78 or '79)
ruby g... the answer is NO! and because there are so MANY women to emulate in the bible, we need to really rethink women in sports. i for one am aspiring to be jezebel or maybe diana.
And who is the cute little girl with a ball bat? Is that you. I don't see anything wrong with being able to compete. Many women now days are single, divoriced, or widowed. They need to support themselves. The church encourages women to get an education so that they can support themselves if the case arrises. I don't see anything wrong with women in sports. I don't see women on pro football teams or baseball teams, but they do have women volleyball, golf, swimming, skating, etc. Just look at the women in the Olympics! I think we can be mothers and swing a bat too. Now, see what you did, you got me started....
What about DEBORAH that lead a PLATOON of the Israelites to war in the Old Testament? The leader of her country said he would not go to war unless she went with him.
Admittedly I didn't even read the article, because I'm already steamed without having read it. Someone should ask the author if he has actually READ the Bible himself, or if he's just listening to what others tell him is in the Bible.
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