I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed
A little over a month ago, I was asked to be a Family Home Evening group leader. What that means is that I'm supposed to plan and attend (when there isn't a concert or ballgame) an activity for about 15 other people on Monday nights. Well, this week we decided that the activity would be monday night futbol (soccer). I decided about ten days ago not to do any high-impact activity on the ankle because it hasn't really healed. So I showed up in "street" clothes, but i did wear my adidas...with a pair of work socks. Well, a hour and a half later we won by one point thanks to Jannette's clutch goal. I had noticed something in my left shoe. After being home for 15 minutes, I took off my shoes and socks.....and noticed a big flap of skin (2.5 inches by <1)>
Hi Sherpa! I noticed that you put some crafty photos on your website along with Shelece. I'm trying to find a Shelece Jorgensen that was my friend in Salt Lake City several years ago. She is a great artist and I've written a book and I need an illustrator. Do you think this is the same Shelece? If so, can you let her know I'm looking for her. My email is ariley@fcbutah.com. She should remember me as Allison LaPointe. We lived next to each other on 400 East in Downtown Salt Lake City. She moved to a cool apartment in the Capitol Hill area and then I sort of disappeared for a while.
Thanks so much!!
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