Confessions of a Sherpafied Mo

Fantasy itself bores me, I read the first two lord of the rings (and the hobbit) but they both took me several months to complete. I made it halfway through the fifth Harry Potter, set it down and never picked it up again. I have seen the first three harry potters, either at the insistence at my mom when she had them on dvd or on a plane.
So, this Narnia movie..I'm just not excited about it. Even though CS Lewis is revered in my church, and Shadowlands was a good movie, I'm still a little ambivalent.
I'm pretty excited about it, but re-reading some of the fantasy lit I read as a kid (for an English class) I realized, it doesn't have the charm it did as a kid. I think if you grew up on it, you like it, if you didn't, maybe you won't ever, who knows.... I grew up on Narnia, Lloyd Alexander's High King series, and other fantasy kids books. (I hope that doesn't make me a nerd! jk) This movie is actually a re-make too, the BBC made the whole series into, partially I'm interested to see if Disney can do any better.
You didn't finish Harry Potter?? I'm seriously rethinking our friendship right now.
I couldn't get into reading LOTR or Narnia... and I watched LOTR, but I didn't think it was the best thing that ever happened. They were OK. (I might get shot for saying that, so I'm hiding now). Harry Potter on the other hand... I finished those books so fast and I was in line for the 12:01 showings dressed up with a lightning bolt on my forehead! I'll go see Narnia, but I'm more interested in Rent, Walk the Line, and the Producers... I've been so busy that I haven't made it out lately to the theaters (with the exception of Harry)
p.s. my schedule changed again and instead of making it up there I'm going to Charlotte, NC :(
This is HUGE here. So huge I bought into the hype, but it was great. My mom read the books to me as a kid, and I've seen the Wonderworks version who knows how many times. This one was perfect, even though there was some serious computer animation overkill. Use your imagination and Lewis best bedtime tale comes to life.
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