The mysterious cup.
I usually have every other Friday off (i say usually, because sometimes i have a meeting, there's a holiday etc etc), and today was the lucky day. At my house, I'm usually dish girl. I don't mind it at all, and since kell "deep cleans" works out. Well, I started doing the dishes this morning after not even touching the sink for a few days, I looked down and thought...when did our dish disposal turn blue......

Puzzling eh? I thought so. It was the perfect shape to get wedged in perfectly. I played with it for a while...and got most of the water out of the cup (the water was making it harder to pull out)..and then yelled for Sara who had a snow day because of my fear of garbage disposals. She messed with it for a while and was able to use the "jaws of life" and break it out (a couple of screw drivers and pliers).

You need to fire the person who put that cup in the sink. I hate digging cups out.
Bonnie is in Virginia right now, I'm not sure how far she is from you but she's in the general direction....Give her a call.
That's hilarious. Seriously, though, as lucy says, they are totally fired.
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