Mont Blanc, Highest peak in the Alps
New Years Resolutions
The start of the new year finds many of us in a state of introspection and determination to fill our new years goals. Although many leave their goals by the wayside come February, I enjoy coming up with New Years Resolutions. Although there seems to be a misperception amongst a few of my friends that being a "goal oriented northern virginian" is bad, it sure beats living at home and not having a full time job--but I digress. Anyway, here's some of my new years resolutions:
1) Work out 3x a week- I've worked out a "rewards program" for this-so that it'll stick and I can move up to 5x a week by the end of the year.
2) Run a 5k by September-I love playing soccer and even played midfield for a while, but I hate running (I'm asthmatic). I need to do this again to prove that I can.
3) Go visit Mont Blanc- the highest peak in the Alps at 15,780 feet. Now, this one is kind of unrealistic because it looks like I'm going to Central or South America this year, but a girl can dream. Or I could wait and climb it.
4) practice the guitar regularly
5) work out a better budget-follow budget
There's more, but this is enough for now. Of course, there's always the dream of learning how to windsurf.
Goal Oriented Northern Virginians... They actually get what they want out of life, so how can that be a bad thing??
Want to do the Avon Walk for the Cure with me in April? Its a 5k! (and one of my 2 goals for 2006)
Too bad some things can be a one time fix all, like if I live by a good budget for one month, automatically it will be a snap the rest of my life! That would be so great. Or get in shape once and never have to do it again...hmm. Good luck on these goals,they sound very reachable.
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