Dear Neil,
I admit, I haven’t been a fan until a few weeks ago. Before that, I didn’t think too much of you. I sang your songs when I karaoked with friends, but I never owned any of your cd’s, not even a tribute album. When a friend shyly proclaimed her loyalty to you, I didn’t tease her (too much), but I would always recall my mom’s revelation when she saw you in concert in the ‘70s: that all of your music sounds the same.

Finally, I swallowed my pride, and downloaded 12 songs, knowing a friend would enjoy it. I didn’t listen to it at first, but when I finally had time to give it a chance, I felt sheepish. The album is beautifully, and a rare find-a CD that is worth listening from “Oh Mary” to “Delirious Love,” with Brian Wilson.
I like that the CD is pleasantly bare, mostly just you and a guitar with a few other instruments minimally employed. Your voice, though showing its age, is wonderful…and even my mother would enjoy the variety of the tunes on the CD.
So, good job Neil. You’ve now joined the ranks of Loretta Lynn, Johnny Cash and even your friend Brian Wilson and I’m looking forward to your next teaming with Rubin.
J. Buhler

Neil, by any chance, did you study with Chuck Norris?
Finally someone agrees with me about that stupid Weezer song. What happened guys?
The thing about Mr. Diamond is that he sings without irony, unlike Tom Jones let's say. I don't know if I can handle someone that's REALLY like that. Because when I sing his songs, I'm doing it for the irony.
I've always agreed with you about that weezer song. (shudders at thought of it). We just didn't know it. ;)
The thing is in this cd...his obvliviousness to irony actually works Rick Rubin nearly made up for his previous mistakes...
Neil has this fab song about smoking pot. It's like his "say no to drugs" attempt. I could've died! I don't remember the title but his sincerity is truly jaw dropping.
re: weezer. gag. i had no idea until i read that blurb that the song was actually popular. i honestly have NO CLUE what is popular with the kids or the grammys ever. i listened to that song one time at a listening station after asking myself "i wonder what the new weezer album sounds like?" it almost made me cry. everyone makes mistakes, though, right? though you gotta admit when neil sells out, he does it in style. because he actually means all the shmaltzy crap. "turn on your heart light"? no doubt as to the fact that he was cashing in on E.T. and loving it. i admire that. you know where the man stands.
He's got an awesome voice too. I like his song "Coming to America." Have you ever seen the remake of Jazz Singer? Neil does a great job with it. Rent it if you can and tell me what you think.
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