Monday, March 27, 2006

Arthur Frommer v. Kanab
For a state with a relatively small population, Utah sure has a knack for breaking onto the national news circuit, water cooler conversation, and late night talk joke lineups.....regularly. At the first of the year was all the controversy about Randolph Utah where they like Bush (undeserved controversy in my opinion, but if it gets more people to stop at Gator's drive-in then thats cool). Last month it was "Big Love," not to mention the Smarts, Karl Malone, Singer-Swapps, Hacking, Olympic Scandal, and I could go on and on. Now the great town of Kanab Utah has burst onto the scene, with their own "controversy." issue is the resolution issued in January by the Kanab City Council, with the blessings of Mayor Kim Lawson, that defines the "natural family . . . as ordained by God" as the ideal living unit for the city.The sanctimony inherent in such a declaration has made some people mad, among them Arthur Frommer, owner of the widely distributed Frommer's Travel Guides, who has decided to respond with a resolution of his own: He has called on tourists worldwide to boycott Kanab.

Frommer has now decided to boycott the lil' town of Kanab. Oh boy.

There's nothing wrong with standing up for your beliefs, but I think the town of Kanab may have taken it too far. Even most of the residents of the town thinks the resolution is silly.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Don't forget Senator Chris Buttars bill on Intelligent Design