Let Them Eat Shortcake
Since Lost in Translation, I've been a big fan of Sophia Coppola (okay, a fan of Lost in Translation) so I've been anxiously awaiting her new movie. I must admit, I was puzzled when I saw that Kirsten Dunst (I'm not as anti Dunst as some of my friends but she does bug in some films) was cast as Marie Antoinette and even more so when my man Jason Schwartzman was cast as King Richard the 16th. But this trailer? I'm absolutely mystified, but intrigued. I think I'm digging it.
The song is "Age of Consent" by New Order
it looks sort of like the claire danes/leo di caprio version of romeo and juliet. could be interesting in a "i'll see it on a saturday morning so i don't have to pay full price" sort of way
I admit I like the song. I am a bit ambivalent about the rest...
I'm not a fan at all of Romeo and Juliet, let alone the Danes/Di Caprio version. I love Shakespeare, but not that one. for some reason however, this movie catches my eye.
I agree. This movie catches my eye also.
I've seen the trailer before. Interesting. Seems Coppola is trying to modernize it or make history less of a dusty book on the shelf and more relatable.
I mean, that time period does sorta seem dramatic, hollywood-like, frought with scandals, love interests, war.
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