To Whom it may concern:
If you want to impress a girl on a first date, you don't need to spend money on her, you don't need to do much, but a lot of girls like to go out where they can talk, where they might not be put in compromising situations (compromise can be fun--but not the first time), just fun and casual. First dates ideally would be set up so you can talk to the person, have fun with said individual, have a good time. Some of us have been there done that when it comes to just having "makeout buddies" and we're looking for a little more. We hope there's more out there than just body lust. Body lust is great, but better when you actually have feelings for the other individual.
Thank you,
Sherpa aka Ruby G but really Joy
Totally agree. It helps if they smell good while they are talking to us too though. jk. First several dates, I think, should be focused on really getting to know each other.
Agree (just because I want everyone to like me)
we like you steve even if you don't agree.
I know exactly how you fee. Women are always exploiting me for my body. I don’t think they know or even care that under this chiseled, rock hard exterior is a sensitive human being with thoughts, hopes, and dreams. But, somehow I’ve come to terms with it. If being constantly ravaged by beautiful women is my lot in life, it’s just a burden I have to bear. ;-)
That should be "I know exactly how you FEEL" not " I know exactly how you FEE". Talk about a freudian slip.
Can you please send this letter to a few guys I've been out with lately? I think you know which ones I'm thinking of!
ooh, ruby g, is there a story behind that one? dish, dish girl
I would also add that if you enjoy a girl's company once, you might enjoy it twice and or multiple times. Just because a girl would like to see you on a fairly consistent basis (once a week to start with), does not mean that she is trying to devour your soul or go ring shopping.
justin-I thought girls liked you for your pink truck.
aisy-more details will be on linkup.
saucy-did i tell you about the time i went on a first date and the guy insisted on ring shopping?
i've never kissed on the first date... but there have been times where i kissed before the first date and that's how i ended up on the date in the first place! but this hasn't happened anytime recently...
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