A couple of days ago I took a glance at the Vernal Express front page. Above the fold was an article about the Uintah High School Graduation. The article was poorly written (and that's being nice). There was no writer attributed to it, as it was just a 8 paragraph blurb about the Grads. First, there were seven kids (all girls) who achieved a 4.0 GPA. The article made mention that six of the seven girls had an "an" or "Ann" in their names. The article went on to stay that instead of a valedictorian, Uintah honors the highest ACT scores. The problem with this is as of a few years ago, they never did this. Two boys scored a 4.0 so they were honored instead of those seven girls who got a 4.0. Then there's one sentence saying that the reason this class is so small (276 students) is because of the oil field boom.
Come on Vernal Express, you can do better than that.
speaking of vernal... i was there for my first time this past weekend. i loved it!
You were there while I was there...crazy!
that is too strange. i actually didn't go in to town too much, as my friend's dad has more of a ranch'ish kind of property out of town. (it's kind of near that "remember the maine" memorial).
I actually don't live in Vernal, I live a couple of miles from Remember the Maine in Maeser. Who is your friend?
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