Scooby Doo and the Case of the Disappearing Rocket
Last year I had a little flower/vegetable garden. I grew mostly petunias/marigolds/impatiens and a squash plant that died the week after two tropical depressions came through the area. I

realized I enjoy gardening, but grew to loathe the neighborhood bunnies who were particularly fond of my petunias and impatiens. This year, Kell is gardening with me. We planted a border of marigolds and petunias (the smell of the marigolds is supposed to repell rabbits), some herbs, a several zucchini plants, zinnias, and arugula (rocket). This morning as I was waiting for my ride to work, I realized I haven't noticed the arugula for a while. I went outside and realized it wasn't there. I investigated as well as I could without getting my work clothes dirty and there is no trace of the arugula. None. No stems, no leaves, no yellow plants...both plants of arugula have just disappeared. I checked the other plants, nothing else has been nibbled on. This afternoon, I'll look again closer, but this is a little bizarre.
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