Week(end) in Recap
Schooled in Lancaster County:
Saturday Kell and I drove up to Lancaster County with the bikes on the top of her car. We biked 5-10 miles on the back roads up there. I figured it was my 7-8 trip up there, but this time out on a bike, you experience that whole area in a different manner. All of the Amish we encountered waved, you wizz on by slower on a bike, which means that you spend more time noticing the farms, the fields, the bird houses etc.
Best Meal:
Stolzenfuss's family restaurant just outside of Intercourse, PA. The meal was family style. chow-chow, green beans, carrots, hot buttered noodles, sweet potatoes, pumpkin roll, sausage, rolls, apple butter, tapioca pudding, fried chicken, fresh chocolate milk, mashed potatoes, carrot cake. I overate, Kelli overate, my belly hurt, but I was satisfied
Saying Goodbye:
West Wing ends tonight. 7 years of a fantasy govt. But the idealism and optimism won't be forgotten.
We are so smrt. s-m-r-t:
Yesterday afternoon Kelli and I pooled our money together to but baked goods at the half price table one of the bakeries set up in the bird-in-hand farmers market. We were able to buy molasses cookies, an apple pastry and cheese bread for 4.00. However, we're driving back and realize that we have no money on us, and we're headed for the toll east of B-more. We turn around I figure out (after going back into PA accidentally) an alternate route so we're heading west of Baltimore away from the toll road. a few miles later it dawns on us that we're not in the middle of nowhere, there are atm machines on the road that we were headed on. Its the principle of toll-roads. The Principle.
hehe... Intercourse, PA
It's crazy that we were so close and couldn't meet up :( That seems to be our story. It's amazing that we met that one time!
Oy, the West Wing Finale was too sentimental...even for WW. WWLD? The framed napkin? They jammed too much into a hour episode, and just left me wishing they would've ended with an episode like the last 4.
So, we're in Intercourse, PA, and on the Intercourse, PA shopping center billboard was a sign for an OB-GYN...........Perfect.
Beautiful covered bridge, what's the story there?
Beat those tollsters!
The sad thing is, there's no real story. Well, I did get us lost twice trying to find that covered bridge, but there were no near miss collisions with buggies or push scooters. The amish escaped unscathed, and we made it to the bridge safely.
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