Monday, June 19, 2006

The Evil Empire? Yup, I'm a big fan.

I'm tired today. Exhausted. I spent the past three days at RFK Stadium with my parents (and assorted other friends and acquaintances) and I'm beat. One evening game-and two afternoon games. Although I'm not as exhausted or fustrated as the Yankee bull-pen..I feel like I need a bit of a vacation, from a mini vacation. That being said, I love getting a chance to see my Yanks play. But, watching them lose two in a row because of their bull-pen. Fustrating

Anyway here's a list of the highlights and Lows of the games:


A-Rod (he did make some good plays, but really deserves to be down there for choking at least twice with players in scoring position


Seing Erin's group mentioned on the Scoreboard

Covered seats

A Dad explaining the game to his little girl.

The metro passengers to and fro ball games are almost always fun. This series was no exception.

Watching the games with various friends

sitting next to the "paparazzi"

Watching the games with my folks.

Eastern Market (we did this before the game, but any weekend with a "brick" in it, is always a highlight.

Low Points


1.5 hour ride on the Metro (one way)


erinannie said...

funny thing about that- erin's group was sitting behind the scoreboard and didn't get to see their name on the board!

Joy said...

You know, I was telling the guy sitting next to me that I bet you guys were over there behind the score board.

We were behind the scoreboard on Friday nigh with the $1.20 tickets.

Anonymous said...

A-Rod's still in the game?

Joy said...

A-Rod is only 31. Although, he is the most hated player in baseball probably. If this was Soccer, then he might be in danger.

Joy said...

or if he played for the R.Sox