Thursday, June 15, 2006

Fantasy is cool!

This morning walking from the metro, I started thinking about one of the misperceptions Hollywood gives us about life. I'm not talking about weight, romance or happiness---I'm talking about the disparity between occupations and lifestyles. Have you noticed that in chick movies (and other shows) the protagonist will be a writer, shop-owner, a waiter, a handyman(woman), an assistant or a boat builder and yet wear fabulous clothes and live in the nicest areas of towns in the most fabulous digs. Granted, sometimes the disparate lifestyle is explained away--often unrealistically--or the character will lament about not having enough money while wearing manolos--but more than often this is just glossed over.

Lifestyle Disparities:

"Must Love Dogs" Teacher-lives in a beautiful house in the bay area(can't remember where this was set) falls in love with boat builder who never actually sells boats but lives in the coolest studio. He does wear a beat up ramones shirt most of the show however.

"Any (tv or movie) show set in DC in the past 10 years" Civil servants living above Dupont Circle or Georgetown in townhouses that were bought in the past 10 years? Right...........

"Yours, Mine, and Ours" Coast Guard Commander and designer buying lighthouse in north-east. There's a couple of things wrong with this picture--money, availability of lighthouses-etc. etc.

"Will and Grace" "Sex and the City"

I need to get busy, but any movies (or tv) come to your mind? Any movies (or tv) get it right?


Stephanie said...

SLC Punk

erinannie said...

"Freddie"- a fledgling chef manages to support his sister, niece, and grandmother in an plushly decorated apartment in NYC.

erinannie said...

not that i ever watched "freddie."

HOO said...

Um....FRIENDS! Rachel=Waitress and Joey=Actor, which basically meant that Monica and Chandler were the only ones paying rent.

PS...I love also that Rachel went from Waitress to like VP of Women's Sportswear at Ralph Lauren and all she did was mail out a few resumes that showed she really liked clothes!

Joy said...

Dan, Jaime and Rachel's stories are apples to oranges.