Gunnison Colorado
Well for those who care I live in Gunnison Colorado for the summer. I am working for the Federal Highway Adminstration as a contract inspecter. (Or other words I watch other people work and then measure and record the progress of the day lots of fun huh.) But I do live in one of the best places in the west if you like to hike, bike, fish, canoe, and what ever else is fun to do outside. The last two weekends I went hiking and the mountains that I climbed were over 13000 ft. Yesterday I hiked 20 miles. I was by myself and I know it sounds boring and it is a bit wierd but I wasn't just going to sit around all day because there is nobody to do things with. Note if you want to see pictures they are in my photos.
Another thing about my hike yesterday is I went by an old mine Silver Creek mine. It was like 7 miles past the trailhead and well are the buildings were smashed and equipment was scattered everywhere. I was walking past it and there was one little building still standing and there happened to be a rock chuck next to it. I walked over there and it was an outhouse or (shitter) what ever you call it. Well It had to have been one of the prettiest views from an outhouse. There is a phot of the outhouse in photos. I didn't use it because it looked a little sketchy but if your in the area check it out. There is one other outhouse that might be just as good and that is coyote gulch in the escalante.
So my point is that Colorado is awesome the mountains are great would be better if I knew more people but I have my truck and my bike so I am managing great.

The outhouse?
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