Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Spam, How I love thee or sentence(s) of the day

Inexplicably, I've been bombarded with spam the past couple of days-I've got filters, everything, but this is some tricky spam. Anyway, my misery might be your enjoyment as I go through the best subject lines. And when I say best, I mean hillarious.

Amateur babes showing it all!
Videos of Amateur hott...
Civil Servant Nuclear
Generic Drags
Slow Night
Place your bets!
I don't want to become bald
Never Seen Mullet
Take just a candy

Not all are sexual, some like Civil Servant Nuclear, are just funny. Do you have memorable spam subject lines?


Steve said...

I'm just dying to know what "Civil Servant Nuclear" is all about. Also, I keep waiting for the day I see the subject line "Mormon Girls Gone Wild", hahaha.

Joy said...

Girls with Low Self Esteem!!!

That whole plot-line in AD was a favorite.

Spring break!

erinannie said...

just arrived in my inbox today-

"hard to find meds here"

"your health, palm cabbage"

"67% percent of women want larger penis size"

erinannie said...

okay, this one wasn't spam. but as soon as i posted those, i got this-

NY Police Use Anti-DUI Talking Urinal Messages