Time Out of My Mind

Yesterday, I didn’t bring a lunch so I went downstairs to the building cafeteria to grab a salad. The Caesar salad lunch station is the most popular section of the cafeteria, so I figured if I’d get there as the noon crowd was winding down, I wouldn’t have to stand in line for 15 minutes. As I walked up, I noticed the lady who mans the station was cleaning up. I inquired about the possibility of getting a salad and was informed I had to be there on time a little sternly. She then informed me that it was 1:45 and more than time enough to start cleaning up. I looked down at my watch and said, “but its 12:45” and then got another lecture about how the kitchen is closed at 1:45. I knew by this time that I was in September, or in a little mini part of Indiana where Daylight Savings is ignored. I went back outside the cafeteria to check on time, and sure enough the cafeteria did close at 1:45..but when I walked into the cafeteria, the cafeteria worker stopped what she did to glare at me. I sighed, went outside and ate at a place that observed Daylight Savings, the local hotdog stand.
This morning, after I checked my e-mail, I went through my Google news alerts and noticed an article about the top albums of 2002 from a news station in Raleigh-Durham. I thought, hmm is this a throw-back article? The more I read the article, I realized that the author of the article hadn’t heard “A ghost is born” by Wilco, “Guero” or “The Information” by Beck and well…even 2003 hadn’t happened yet either. Daylight Savings is one thing, but 4 years?
He was still obsessing about the lingering effects of Christina, Britney and Justin. I imagine somehow the format on the page was changed and Google picked it up as a new article. I’m tempted to address the Journalist’s concerns about the state of music in 2006, maybe I will. However, even though the two are only remotely connected, I couldn’t help of thinking about the episode of the Office recently where Jim revealed that he still had a packet of the Scranton Office stationary and sent Dwight a fax every morning from future Dwight…
And what does that have to do with A Clockwork Orange? Just curious since I didn't get the connection.
The post doesn't have anything to do with the clockwork orange expect for the fact the post is about time, and the title of clockwork orange, has "clock" in it. The absurdist in me is coming out (and yes, I've read clockwork orange).
And I would have HOPED that the east coast would be just a TAD more advanced then Utah when it comes to current events. I'm starting to lose hope in the music industry if it's going to only be about Britney, Justin, Christina, and *heave heave*K-Fed*heave!!*
Who knows. It was 2002...but you're right, its 2006 and the same stooges are still around. However, on the flip side since then there's been some amazing music come out..and the greats are still going strong.
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