Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Commentary on my 2006 Goals Post

2006 Goals Revisited

The start of the new year finds many of us in a state of introspection and determination to fill our new years goals. Although many leave their goals by the wayside come February, I enjoy coming up with New Years Resolutions.

This is still true. I like Lent, New Years Resolutions, and just coming up with new goals.

Although there seems to be a misperception amongst a few of my friends that being a "goal oriented northern virginian" is bad, it sure beats living at home and not having a full time job--but I digress.

Yeah, um, I still think that teasing people because they are goal oriented is really, really, lame..

Anyway, here's some of my new years resolutions:

1) Work out 3x a week- I've worked out a "rewards program" for this-so that it'll stick and I can move up to 5x a week by the end of the year.

Pretty much failed at this one.

2) Run a 5k by September-I love playing soccer and even played midfield for a while, but I hate running (I'm asthmatic).

Failed, but I did sign up for one right before I screwed up my ankle for like the 10th time in a 2 month period. Then, the Dr. said don't do it. Goal for next year.

I need to do this again to prove that I can.

3) Go visit Mont Blanc- the highest peak in the Alps at 15,780 feet. Now, this one is kind of unrealistic because it looks like I'm going to Central or South America this year, but a girl can dream. Or I could wait and climb it.

I think this was a not so subtle answer to a debate I had with a friend about the height of Mont Blanc.

4) practice the guitar regularly

5) work out a better budget-follow budget

Working on it.

There's more, but this is enough for now. Of course, there's always the dream of learning how to windsurf.
Still a dream.

1 comment:

ADDollhouse said...

YAY. I am glad to know I am not the only Mormon who likes Lent.