Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Jesse Harris said...

There's something mildly terrifying about a levitating Richard Nixon.

Joy said...

Yeah, I don't really want him to be "jumping for Joy."

Unknown said...

I kinda like it. It's like Nixon wasn't really this sinister crook in this picture. He's just a man, not "the man", just a kid on a leap of faith. You can think I'm twisted, I expected as much.

Joy said...

I don't think Nixon was 100% evil. He did do some good for the country, and I think tried to redeem himself after the resignation. However, we can't ignore all the other stuff he did either. In summary, I think Nixon is a very complicated issue and was a complicated man.

amelia said...

that just made my day better.

thank you.

Unknown said...

Thats an interesting picture...thanks

Fingers To Toes Photography said...


EHT said...

This is interesting. I might could use this over at the American President's blog. Do you know when this was made?

aisy said...

ha ha sherpa... jumping for Joy. good one.

Unknown said...

At first I thought it was bogey.

Ah, well.

Pfingston said...

I have to agree with jesse!
Happy WW!

ADDollhouse said...

I think there should be pictures of every historical figure jumping like that, really.

Photojournalism could use a good dose of levitation.