Thursday, March 01, 2007

Fashion Police

So, like any human being with a shred of common sense--I hate Paris Hilton. I pretty much hate everything she stands for, when Tina Fey said she's the worst person in the world--I stood up and applauded (well, I didn't stand up, but I did applaud). She's horrible. However, with all of that--I find my self pressed over this dress. I think the glasses are too much, but the dress and the shirt underneath? I'm digging it, find it a little unnerving I'm applauding Paris Hilton's fashion tastes.


aisy said...

that is definitely a cute outfit. i guess it just adds spice to life that paris might actually surprise us...

Lucy Stern said...

Well, I don't like Paris either. She is a horrible role model for young girls...The dress is very nice and it actually covers her well.

Steve said...

I too like that dress. Must have been a cold snap to make her cover up so much!!! Maybe this whole jail thing has made her grow up some.

Boo said...

I totally agree with you on the outfit. I love it! It looks really cute with her hair. Bravo.

Unknown said...

don't be too hard on yourself. Her sister was listed as one of the best dressed people in the world in her teens years so maybe some of it rubbed off on her.

ADDollhouse said...

I can't STAND Paris Hilton. But I really wanted to see her defy herself by wearing something cute in your blog.

Just to spite me, she seems to be missing... I don't know if it's just MY computer or if it's actually gone, but I believe PH is doing it on purpose to annoy me.

Joy said...

Yup, the pic is gone. Weird. I guess the copyright cops stole it back.

amelia said...

the pic is back now. just in case you're wondering...

and i concur. that's a fabulous dress. i wish i had one just like it.

amelia said...

p.s. she was wearing that outfit while visiting a sick friend in a hospital. perhaps she feels that she must project a certain modesty while in company with the sick?

Joy said...

Yeah, I actually went back to where I found the pics and uploaded a different one of the same dress. Its stayed up for 12 hours or so, hopefully it doesn't pull a houdini.