Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Maybe The Sun Will Shine Today


Boo said...

As a student at GW, I am so impressed with the sense of reverence and concern the GW community has displayed for the VA Tech community. Today we are signing a memorial banner, hosting a candlelight vigil and wearing VA Tech's school colors. I know its not much but to remember others, in my opinion, is one of the greatest & simplest acts of sympathy one can offer in times of tragedy such as this.
My heart aches for the victims and I hope their hearts will heal in due time.

Joy said...

That's really cool. One of my coworker's (in my small office) first cousin was the German professor that was killed. She's not here to work of course, but its a bit of a somber mood over here too.

Trude said...

what a very sad day for everyone. Even on this side of the pond the shock waves hit from the aftermath.

The Warrior said...

Awful...just awful. I blogged extensively on the subject too.

This is a beautiful ribbon. Thank you for posting.