Now, I’ve never been the biggest fan of the ward, more than most of my attitude is my own fault. Sometimes in my most cynical moments, I think the ward is just full of BYU grads who are intent on getting married. Not all are, and not all went to the Y. I’ve met some great people, had great bishoprics and have had some good times, and part of my attitude is my fault, I’ve never really gone out of my way to meet people in the ward and attend the minimum of social functions. That being said, I think I’ll look at my 4 years in the ward well. I enjoyed serving in the ward, and have no regrets. I learned a lot while being out here, and I’m grateful for the experiences I’ve had.
When I was younger, I always thought those who were 31 and not married were either mal-adjusted, a little awkward, deviants, or all of the above. Needless to say, as I’ve gotten older in a Single Ward, my attitude and empathy for those who were “graduating” changed quite a bit. While I still secretly harbor thoughts that some are deviants, by and large the majority who have graduated from my ward the past couple of years are none of the above. Although we’re taught that marriage is the goal we all should achieve, I honestly think everyone does it in their own time, whether you’re my 23 year old cousin or a close friend in their late 30s who recently got married. I don’t think its as simple as treating yourself as a used car, and putting your best image out there.
Needless to say, I’ve liked being 30, but when I turned 30 I looked at the age of 31 with fear, almost as much fear that a dream of waking up to Dane Cook brings me. The past year has been a growing year for me. An unexpected answer to an earnest prayer set me in a bit of an emotional tail-spin for a good part of the summer, but that experience was for the best. All I can say is the Lord does answer prayers.
By and large, my 30th year has been a year of introspection, reflection, and I’ve had the motivation to get more organized, work on my self esteem, my confidence, and be more focused on becoming the person I know I can be. As someone who is about as “right-brained” as you’ll meet and still be functional, that’s a pretty hefty statement to make.
Honestly, between my fear of commitment and emotional ineptness, I probably would’ve made a horrible spouse to anyone. It’s true. I’m being brutally honest and probably giving too much information on the internet, but it’s true, so if you’re googling me you’ll know this about me. I also have a fear of triangles and horses lying down (oh wait, that's not me).
Now, I’m still not sure about the marriage thing in practice. In theory, I know it’s a good thing, but in practice, well, right now I think it’s the biggest commitment I’ll ever make and well, having to put up with one person for time and eternity still boggles my mind. But its about baby steps. Tiny, little ones, but that’s still progress, right?
I think that I’ll probably get married, that my grandmother’s and mother’s fears are more than likely unfounded, but whatever happens in my life, I know that most days I like me and the days I don’t, well I know that I can always pick myself up and try again; that the only person that’ll make me happy is myself and happiness is a simple choice no matter the circumstances. I love life, no matter the curve balls thrown. I love to learn, I love my hobbies and I even love helping out others. Now, working on the things I need to, I just take it a little at a time, but I’m here to tell you that 30 so far is a good year. A tough year, but a good year. I think I’m a better person now than I was a year ago, and that’s a pretty good assessment, I think. Anyway, when I turn 31 in a month minus one day, I’ll talk about the change, but for now, this is where I’m at.
Wow!! you and Bonnie are going thru the same things...She is 29 but 31 lurks out there... I wish the church didn't push marriage as much as it does. People need to get married at the right time in their lives....I know that there are young men out there that just get comfortable with their single lives and take their time in getting married. You are right, that it is a big commentment for time and all eternity...You want to marry the right one the first time around.
I got lucky when I found my husband and did get the right one...We are converts to the church so we were married (for time and all eternity) in the SLC temple.
Take your time and get married when it is the right time for you.
hooray for introspection. we can all benefit from more of that i believe. my 31st bday was a really really really rough time. it became a life mile marker. luckily there are super perfect bright moments interspersed to make it bitter sweet. and hooray for it being in the past! life does move forward and it's always for the best.
Happy Birthday in one month! I got married when I was 31, so as much as I dreaded getting older, it turned out to be a pretty good year for me.
Good luck with the family ward - I never really felt comfortable being in singles wards (in fact I went to the Langley ward once), so I pretty much just graduated myself around the age of 27 and started attending a GREAT family ward in Reston. To this day I still consider it my alltime favorite.
that was nice to read. way to go on the introspection. you have gone through a lot this year. way to go champion. also, horses lying down are freaky!!
You know if you wanted to be married you could be. It's the holding out for the 'right one' not just 'anyone' that has brought so many smart, beautiful, talented lds women to their 30's- still single.
Geez, I really like that photo of you. I wonder who the photographer was? :)
I loved the personal nature of your post. It was very insightful and much appreciated.
I like you posts on here! I didn't know there was such a cool thing until you invited me to see you post about your trip to Detroit. Anyway, I just wanted to say I thought your post about turning 31 was very good. Its funny how we all grow up so fast....
31. Hmmm . . You're still just a babe. Good post, and I liked the personal nature of it. FWIW, I didn't marry until I was 35. There are some distinct advantages in marrying later in life.
You'll no doubt marry at some point. As you suggest, you need to just keep living, learning, and serving as the days go on. The time will come quickly enough. 31 years in mortality isn't even a drop in the bucket.
Continue to enjoy!
Great photo too!
A most kakow post. The misanthrope approves. I have been feeling that same introspection. All my friends' lives are sooo different from mine that I'm wondering if 1) I'm right, 2) they're right, or 3) neither of us are right and the whole world has gone nuttier than squirrel dung. Marriage is indeed a commitment not to be taken lightly. I rather wait a while longer than rush into something that's not right. Too many people make vows half-heartedly.
cool post. i am so glad i waited til the ripe age of 29 to get married (assuming all goes as planned this saturday) as no one i have ever dated compares to my nearly-husband in rightness for me. for sure everyone does it differently and you'll do what's right for you as long as you 1) are (or become) comfortable in your own skin and 2) stay open to possibilities even when they seem pretty unlikely. in my experience, cheesy as it may sound, timing is so so key. if my fiance and i had started dating 4 1/2 years ago when we met (and i had a crush on him) it never would have worked b/c neither one of us had enough emotional maturity. i don't know that it was fate or anything, i just know that another chance comes as soon as you are not expecting it. in the meantime, life can be pretty excellent.
Thanks everyone for your kind, kind words. They really do mean a lot to me.
Lucy- Yeah, Bonnie and I have talked a little about it. I haven't talked to Bonnie lately, I probably should do that.
Sarah-yeah, I do believe there's moments of joy in life. Thanks.
Brandi-Thanks. I've never been a fan of the single ward, but considering Langley is less than a mile away from my house, I never left either. I'm a little lazy that way. I'm looking forward to the family ward. I won't be going to the one in Reston, but I hear my ward in Falls Church is a good one.
Megan-Thanks girl. horses lying down aren't freaky, they're just tired..or sick..or dead. ;)
Salt h20(Welch)- Yeah, I could be married now, but I know I would've been horrible at it. I honestly wasn't ready, and I'm still working at that....and yeah, you're right, I'm not willing to settle.
boo-move your mouse over the've been credited. ;)
Thanks. Here's your personal post that you've been telling me to write. ;)
adam-thanks. Your comments mean a lot to me. Yeah, its funny how that seems to happen......
guy-thanks. I appreciate it.
Melissa- Who knows, it may be all of the above. At least, this world is nutty. Yeah, I totally agree. Why rush what may be the most important decision of life.
MJ-I completely agree. Thanks for those words. I think being comfortable with who you are is huge. Oh, and you and your fiancee? Pretty much a perfect match, in my opinion.
"When I was younger, I always thought those who were 31 and not married were either mal-adjusted, a little awkward, deviants, or all of the above."
Lol... I thought that, too, but then I dated a few very sexy, competent, mature and capable over-thirties in a row.
Dude, when you DO find the guy, I'm really really excited to hear about him because he'll be really really cool, and you'll be really really happy. I think that feeling pressured to marry by any certain age only leads to monotony and boredom in the marriage relationship later, because people are willing to marry someone just to marry. Regardless of shared interest, personality mesh, and overall wow factor.
You go girl. Keep waiting for that wow factor.
Congratulations on your singles ward graduation. I think it will be really refreshing (I'm not a huge fan of the singles ward myself, as you know). Good luck in your 30's.
Are you a Capricorn too? Must be why get along so well, haha. My bday, the Big 3-0, is next month. Not sure exactly how I feel, but am certainly more comfortable with it than I have been. If anything, it's making me question my career goals more than anything.
I always hated the push the church does on marriage. Like it's more important than anything else. And I always hung out with the "older" singles in the ward b/c I knew they were the cool ones, haha.
i'm just loving all these kinds of posts these days.
really, 30 is fantastic. i really, really like myself.
i know you will be totally great at 31, and beyond! thanks for the post.
Steve, I sure am. What day is your b-day?
Yeah, I actually have always hung out with singles older than me for the most part too. I'm actually looking forward to that when I make the transition.
Aisy, thanks. Your post a while back actually was one of the inspirations for this post.
Smash-Thanks. Yeah, you and I think quite similarly to single wards, I believe.
NoSurf. Thanks for the great words.
My bday is Jan 15.
I'm right behind you, and I have to tell you know that 30 was a breeze and I'm expecting the same from 31 :)
Thanks for your insightful thoughts.
Three Cheers for three decades of life!
Don't sweat 31. 25-26 was much harder in my opinion. I love being old. I'm actually getting some grey hairs which I love. Besides 31 is the new 23 in LDS single adults land.
Triangles should be feared. Trig, A squared plus B squared . . . .
Oh and don't forget Triangle man does everything a triangle can. One last thing the tri force on Zelda! Yeah triangles can put the hurt one so fear them.
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