For those who don't follow the Mountain West Conference, the Head Football coach of the University of Wyoming told Wyoming boosters this week that he guaranteed a victory against the Utes. Utah apparently took exception to that claim and while they were up 43-0 in the 3rd quarter, tried to convert an onside kick. Knowing this is Wyoming, where they encourage this kind of thing, especially against Utah teams, he may not get fired--plus its not that big a deal, I guess. That being said, that move? Absolutely classy. And priceless.
Go Utes!
You know, I find myself mysteriously turned on by a guy who's unafraid to flip off the general public.
Pretty priceless catch.
If that is worst the Utes coach and team got for being pricks, then they should be happy, haha. Sports (even tennis) is always filled with this behavior, it just usually doesn't wind up on tv. :)
Yeah Steve, there's a lot of this that happens in sports at all levels. Of course there is--I'm sure it happens in curling, not to mention tennis. Getting a shot of the head football coach flipping off the opposing team? That doesn't happen everyday.
i think that is hilarious!
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