Monday, November 05, 2007

We Came, We Saw, We're Going again...

Kell and I got back about 7:00 last night from Detroit. We hit up Kirtland, Cleveland, Carolyn's (our roommate), Eastern Market Detroit Chapter (DC has a sorry excuse for a farmers market after seeing Detroit's).We saw abandoned warehouse after warehouse, the baseball stadiums, the football stadium, the waterfront, Canada, Lake Erie, some amazing food, bought some cheese and headed on back down. All this in three days. Work is crazy busy, so I'll probably talk more about the trip later on this week on Puddlejumpers.


aisy said...

all this in three days? impressive

Sara said...

Okay, that was just funny. You were naming all these specific things you saw, and then..."Canada". Nothing specific - just Canada.

Joy said...

To us it was. If we had passports we would've known what in Canada we were seeing, besides well american car factories in Canada.

aniC said...

i love all the blog connections we can find.

thanks for your comment on my blog. now you have a new reader on yours (c"