Thursday, January 03, 2008

2006 and 2007 Recap: 2008 Goals

I checked out my blog this afternoon to see if I listed my 2007 goals. What I found instead was a post I did last year around this time appraising my 2006 goals. As I was reading this post , I was reminded of something Rhett Miller once said, that people usually just make incremental changes in their lives, but rarely change dramatically. Reading this, in my life at least, it’s a true statement. Anyway, here’s my 2006 goals, and my 2007 and 2008 commentary on those goals.

2006 is in black ink, 2007 in blue, and 2008 in red.

2006 Goals Revisited

The start of the new year finds many of us in a state of introspection and determination to fill our new years goals. Although many leave their goals by the wayside come February, I enjoy coming up with New Years Resolutions.

This is still true. I like Lent, New Years Resolutions, and just coming up with new goals.

Yeah, haven’t changed here. Speaking of Lent though, I need to start thinking up something to refrain from.

Although there seems to be a misperception amongst a few of my friends that being a "goal oriented northern virginian" is bad, it sure beats living at home and not having a full time job--but I digress.

Yeah, um, I still think that teasing people because they are goal oriented is really, really, lame..

So, a couple of years ago I was friends with a couple of people who would use the phrase “goal-oriented Northern Virginian” as an insult. I thought it was super lame. I still think it is. Needless to say, I don’t hang out with those people much anymore.

Anyway, here's some of my new years resolutions:

1) Work out 3x a week- I've worked out a "rewards program" for this-so that it'll stick and I can move up to 5x a week by the end of the year.

Pretty much failed at this one.

In July of last year after watching Kell start working out and reading an article about “skinny-fat” people, I started working out at least 3x a week. I had to curtail this a little because of prolonged bronchitis/sinus infections, but I pretty much nailed this.

2) Run a 5k by September-I love playing soccer and even played midfield for a while, but I hate running (I'm asthmatic).

Failed, but I did sign up for one right before I screwed up my ankle for like the 10th time in a 2 month period. Then, the Dr. said don't do it. Goal for next year. I need to do this again to prove that I can.

I ‘m still an asthmatic, but I’ve been on maintenance drugs pretty steady all year, ended up taking a 9 month hiatus from any high impact activities due to my ankle, healed it up, and have been running a little. I did bike 28 miles one day (and learned first-hand why bike shorts are crucial for long distances) My goal this year though is to bike 50 miles in one day.

3) Go visit Mont Blanc- the highest peak in the Alps at 15,780 feet.

Now, this one is kind of unrealistic because it looks like I'm going to Central or South America this year, but a girl can dream. Or I could wait and climb it.I think this was a not so subtle answer to a debate I had with a friend about the height of Mont Blanc.

Man, I was passive aggressive and stubborn 2 years ago. I did go to South America. This year, I’m really thinking of not going international and doing a trip early next spring to Asia when baby bro gets his six month leave.

4) Practice the guitar regularly


Failed even harder.

5) work out a better budget-follow budget

Working on it. There's more, but this is enough for now.

Working on it.

Of course, there's always the dream of learning how to windsurf.

Still a dream.

Hmm, that would be sweet. I can’t decide what would be cooler though, a kayak or learning to windsurf.

2007- A very vague recap
This is the year I feel like I’ve become an adult. Yes, I probably went about it slower than I should have. Although I changed in baby steps, I made a lot of baby steps in quite a few areas this past area and I’m happy with my progress. I’ve been taking better care of my health (and yet I’m sick again, go figure), my finances, I’ve taken less of an avoidance tactic to things I need to tackle and although I’m still lazy, and a bit ADHD, I got my butt in gear and straightened up a lot of things that needed fixing. Some by my own will, some I think there was an invisible metaphorical gun to my head- both personally and professionally. All in all, I can’t say I want to go through the year again, but its been memorable. 2007, you’ll stick in my memory and hopefully the lessons I learned stick, because I don’t really want to go through them again.

Here’s my 2008 goals:

Personal Prayer 2x a day

Study the Scriptures 3x a week for at least 15 minutes at a time.

Write in Journal 3x a week (blogging doesn’t count because online journals—some things just shouldn’t be on the web for all to see).

Save up a sizeable nest egg and pay off my nagging student loan

See Wilco live

Complete Gold Level on the Healthier Feds Presidential Challenge

Bike 50 miles in one day

Do an overnight backpack trip

Go to Pittsburgh

Go to baseball games in Philly and Pittsburgh (bonus points-Cleveland and Detroit)

Schedule an ENT appointment.

Complete my work on-time at work.

Set up an embroidering schedule

Volunteer regularly with an organization here in the DC area.


Anonymous said...

I think I'll muse on some goals this weekend. They will surely include 1) going to more shows in this area, 2) learning the art of bike maintenance so I don't get frustrated and cry like a brat when something goes awry on the trail, and 3) find a new apartment. I can't be nerdy in peace!

Nava_jo said...

I'm just impressed you remember you resolutions from last year. My husband and I sat down to right some new goals, in the processes we were trying to remember what we decided on last year.

(sigh) hopefully we will do better this year.


Joy said...

Melissa- Those are some good goals...I'm the biggest slacker when it comes to bike maintenance..I always try and bike or know someone who can well, change a tire.

Jo-Well, its not so much remembering, as it is writing them on the blog.

Steve said...

Going to Pittsburgh is easy. It's a four hour drive and plenty of stuff to do for a three day weekend! I was just there a few weeks ago.

Joy said...

No it isn't I've been through there like 6 times, but actually stopping and visiting the sights? Well, there's a back story.

Daisy Paige said...

Josh and I went over our 2007 list of goals and the only ones we completed 100% were to feed the missionaries four times, my schooling, and send a birthday card/gift to every member of the immediate family (much easier said than done, I swear).

We almost met our home savings goal and our temple attendance goal, so I actually count those as successes, too. Sadly, all of our fitness goals went out the window with the pregnancy, but I completed my 'cooking' goal by about 50%.

Thank goodness for a new year with new resolve!