This post is mostly for my mom:
I finally went to the allergist this morning and well, guess what, I have allergies!
First the Doctor got my medical history, the nurse came in, asked me to strip from the waist up and then told me to lay on my stomach. She then prepared my back for the "scratch" test. She applied the first part of the test (you just scratch the skin to see if the allergen irritates it), and then left for 15 minutes. I didn't get a chance to see it, but I felt it. The most annoying thing about it was the welt on my shoulder blade. Other than that, not a big deal. The Doctor came back, told me what showed up. Dust, cockroaches, all trees, grasses, dogs and cats(same as when I was tested five years ago). He took notes and then I got the second part of the test. The lab technician administered it and what he did was basically inject the allergen right beneath my skin. For some reason this was pretty painful, and shots aren't a big deal at all to me. By the time he finished the first arm, it had welted up pretty well. Anyway, the only thing that didn't show up on that test was one dog allergen, molds (I'm not allergic to any molds), and one tree pollen sort of showed up. I "passed" the rest with flying colors. My arms had 15 quarter size welts on each and they were both extremely red. After I got some cortisone cream and a antihistamine, I was fine.
After the doctor came in and assesed the second section of the test, I dressed and went to his office. He informed me that he hadn't seen a patient react as much as I did for a long while and I was one of the most allergic patients he had. We both laughed about that and I could be the next "boy in the bubble" (well, joy in the bubble), and sat down, he went over my allergies, what I need to do, what I need to buy (a vacuum for wood floors), gave me prescription refills and then talked allergy shots. We talked about the last time I was on them, and he said they didn't have a problem with me getting them at work. He also told me earlier after looking up my nose that although my sinuses are inflamed, and the opening is a little narrower than average, I don't need sinus surgery. Go me!
Anyway, I get my first shot this time from the Doctor's office on Friday. I'm looking forward to the shots actually, so I can break this stupid sinus infection cycle and do some real cycling this year.
Those allergy tests are so ANNOYING. I've done those before.
So are you going to get a Swiffer Vac? It works really well. It'll keep the dust away from you.
And all because of the first 2 weeks of your life.
Ah, Sherpa, welcome to the club! I've been on allergy shots twice, the last time I was too sensitive for them. It got so bad that my entire body swelled up at one point. So now I just take Claritin and use essential oils. Works for me. Hope you feel better.
eww, that sucks. i remember as a teen i did tests and i was allergic to most trees and grass. great, those things you can't just avoid! hope the shots work.
Those allergy tests sure don't sound like fun. I hope you never have to get them again.
If you do end up in a bubble I hope it's a pretty one, and one that makes you happy.
A friend of mine had allergys but he had better luck with a natural health care doctor. He is doing really well now and doesn't have to take shots.
So sorry to hear about Pres. Hinckley, he has always been one of my favorites.
hey i saw that movie. kind of sad. so is having allergies. good luck with them. i took one of those scratch tests once and found out i was allergic to some basic plants - i took allegra for a couple years then never renewed the prescription. can't say i've noticed any undue suffering. every now and then i take that claritin stuff but i always wonder if it really makes a difference. i just remind myself that life is suffering. luckily - no bubble for me - AND no struggling for breath.
Kip-I didn't think they were so bad. This time was worst than the last, but they weren't bad. The worst part was being off antihistamines for 5 days.
Sara-Hmm, that's an idea. I went to look at vaccuums and was distracted by the flat panel televisions.
Anon (Mom)-I just think I hit the genetic jackpot.
The Lady-Oh, that's awful! I tried essential oils once, the smells aggravated my allergies so I couldn't really tell a difference.
Aisy-Thanks. Yeah, that's me too.
Shannon-Aw, thats sweet. I hope I get a pretty bubble too.
Lucy-Hmm. Does he do acupuncuture?
Your comment this morning was the first I heard about the Prophet.
Sarah-that's cool your allergies are mild. I have a sneaking suspicion Claritin is a placebo.
Wow - I love that movie. "Put your face against the glass!" "I did what you wanted me to do, now do it! Do it!"
Geez! Never had to go through that. Suspect I may only be allergic to milk. Don't stand near me if I have any dairy products whatsoever, you don't want to know.
At least modern medicine can relieve you somewhat, though, right?
My doctor told me when I first moved here to Seattle that I either needed to live in a bubble, move away, or get allergy shots. The shots aren't really doing me a whole lot of good, honestly. But I'm REALLY allergic to dust mites and mold, and you get a lot of mold here in Seattle.
What's been helping me, though, when I do it regularly, is saline sinus washes. I don't remember the proportion of salt to baking soda, but you put a pinch in warm water and then shoot it up your nose with a baby nose syringe (bulb syringe). It really cuts down on the nasal inflammation a LOT. Also clears the way for nasal sprays to actually be absorbed rather than just sit on the gunk in my nose. Does your dr. have you do those?
P.S. word verification: noezc. How appropriate!
Norroway-Are you on allergy shots? Once a week or twice a week. Yeah, I think people who have dust and mold allergies react a little differently than those with pollen allergies. Mold huh? That stinks.
Nasal irrigation is awesome. I do it with just a thing I bought at CVS. Its different than what you described though. Mine is mostly water in a saline solution. It seems to help though. I do it at least once a day and then I drink 2-3 containers of herbal tea. Those two things have really made the sinus headaches manageable this past winter.
Which nasal sprays are you on?
SJ- I think I remember that you are probably allergic to milk. Yeah, the last time I was on allergy shots they really started to help.
Hey, Sherpa,
I've heard a few different places that a liver cleanse can help with allergies. Have you tried this before? I actually believe it a little, even though it sounds kooky... ever since I became a veggie and stopped drinking milk, my cat allergy has all but dissappeared, and I used to swell up in the presence of even 1 cat hair. You ought to check it out, if for no other reason than it can't hurt :)
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