Mandy Jensen found this gem in the Arco Advertiser. Sometimes, we all need a reminder as to "Who's our Daddy?"
Reasoning against Man's Evolution
"Come, let us reason together"...IS.1:18. (IS? anyone know what this refers to?--Sherpa)
Reasoning against man's evolution:If mankind evolved from apes, why does he wear clothes? Who told him he is naked?
Why does he require privacy while performing his bodily functions? Why does he laugh, why does he cry?
Why does he compose music and create art?
Why does he crave riches and notoriety?
Why does he fear death, and preserve his remains?
Why is he prejudiced?
Why does he abuse his offspring, and murder other members of his "species"?
If he is just another "animal" why does he travel all over the world, and into outer and inner space, for that matter, instead of remaining in the habitat where he is born?
Why does he abuse drugs, alcohol, and tobacco?
Why are there so many cultures and religions, worldwide, in our "species?"
These few reasons should be enough to get a "thinking" creature "re-thinking" his origins. The ability to reason, in and of itself, proves you are not just another animal.
Lornel Cook
Personally, I think Man has evolved in the past ten thousand years or so, but thanks to Lornell, I'm wondering Why, oh Why. As someone who doesn't see evolution as an issue, I enjoyed this. If you do take a hard stance against evolution, maybe this words will serve as inspiration to you.
I didn't know where to post this, so here goes. Kent Haruf is one of my very favorite writers.
I wrote to him once saying:
Dear Kent Haruf,
You are a damn good writer.
Arlene Ball
and he wrote back:
Dear Arlene Ball,
You are a damn good reader!
Kent Haruf
How awesome is that???
Anne, I love Kent Haruf. That is so cool you wrote him, and he responded back. You made my day!
I read "The Ties that Bind" and "Where you once belonged" over Christmas. Although I think "Plainsong" and "Eventide" show a more mature writer, I adored them all. Each of his books are haunting.
That guy is hilarious...but people really actually think that way.
Don't know Lornel Cook, or even Kent Haruf, but I was at one time an anthropology major in college. Some animals feel the need to pee privately and hide the remains, some chimpanzees have created art that was shown in art museums, if this guy knew anything about other monkeys, he'd know there was always a power-struggle in certain groups, all animals fear death, Neanderthals buried their dead, many pre-human ancestors traveled. Remains of Homo erectus have been found as far as China and Brazil. Animals use drugs...ever seen a cat on catnip? None of what he mentioned sets us apart and most of it only illustrates the animal inside.
Yes SJ, they do. I've encountered quite a few people who believe as Mr. Cook do, and its cool. To each their own.
Yeah, a lot of the common perceptions people have about animals etc are false.
Prehistoric man is fascinating too, I never studied anthropology in school, but I've read National Geographic as a kid. Yes, you're right, about neanderthals etc. but I has evolved in the past ten thousand, or 100,000 years. Just as other species have too.
Animals do use drugs...I once met a lady in a pasture who was telling me about her junkie horse who she was trying to keep from getting high off of a cedar post (I'm too lazy to tell the whole explanation).
Is.= Isaiah. I believe that's the scripture that ends "though your sins be as scarlet..." which is all I could ever remember in Seminary, which is all pretty telling.
I read Eventide, Plainsong, & am now reading The Ties That Bind -- courtesy of Sherpa's lending library. We trade books when we get together, although she buys more thaan I do. Anyway, Kent Haruf is amazing. He nails the attiudes & behaviors of the at least the past 2-3 generations of "family farmers".
I liked this article and I liked learning about horses and cats drug problems. now I want to read kent. and finally - julie is totally right on. I guess isaiah thinks it's reasonable your skins can be scarlet and then white as snow. I was just catching up in blogland before reading my scrips for the morning so it was a natural connection for me. thanks for giving me a starting point for the morning.
I've always been what is called in ethics theory as a "weak compatiblist." Which means that I think that Science and Spirituality can both lead to truth, but that spirituality, when in conflict with science, trumps it. The thing is, I've never come up with an example of science trumping spirituality. I mean, even Darwin's theory is plausible in the spiritual scheme of things... who knows how Heavenly Father works to evolve his universe? Maybe he created a system of natural selection on purpose. He is, after all, a genius like that :)
Thanks for the post... lots of food for thought.
sorry... switch that to, "I've never come up with an example of Spirituality trumping science,"
meaning, I've never found any real conflicts.
Sarah-Yeah, People do think like this, but as many facts you give them, you won't change their point of view, and that's okay, at least to me.
Jules- I apparently don't even remember that from seminary,which is telling too, I guess. Yeah, it totally is.
Isaiah 1:18 Come now, and let us areason together, saith the LORD: though your bsins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.
18 Come now, and let us areason together, saith the LORD: though your bsins be as scarlet, they shall be as cwhite as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.
Mom-I have access to used and .50 cent bookstores. that's why I buy more books. But I've been buying new books too.
Anne-Yeah, Haruf has become a family favorite. The tie that binds was haunting.
PlainOldSarah-Yeah-I don't know you, but I think you'd really like Haruf. He's a fast read..and quite the writer.
No Surf- I pretty much agree. Evolution has never been a big deal to me since I was 14 in Mrs. Romney's Biology class. I enjoy reading about it, studying it, but its never effected my testimony.
Jules is indeed correct; it refers to the book of Isaiah in the Bible. I actually am one of those people who takes a "hard stance" against Evolution. Interesting post, thanks for putting it up!
P.S. Haven't been on your blog lately; how ya been? ;-)
I have no problem with evolution....
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