Wednesday, February 06, 2008

The 2008 Race

This morning my brother was defending his vote for an unnamed candidate when he sent me the following e-mail. Although his political choices are suspect (for once I wasn't the one my dad was threatening to disown), sometimes he makes me laugh.

Here is what he has gotten out of the election so far:

McCain says
I helped broker the deal for change in Iraq. I know how to get change to happen

Romney says
I am from the private sector and I know how to get things done. Look at my record with the Olympics and Don't touch my hair

Huckabee says
I hate mormons, sorry I didn't mean that

Obama says
I didn't vote for the War and I will promise you everything you ever wanted. Healthcare, college, jobs, what every you want

Clinton says
The same thing as Obama but I know how to bring change.

For the record, my Dad doesn't care (too much) if his kid's politics differ from
his own. Richard can vote for Ron Paul, and that's okay. Well, he's not really for Ron Paul, he knew that Romney would win and his take on Ron Paul: Well all I saw is if it is against the constitution he votes against it and he grows organic tomatoes.


Jillian said...

Even if someone did touch his hair, do you think it would make a dent?

There is a sub that works pretty frequently at my school with hair similar to Mitt's. It cracks me up that the kids dare one another to touch it. I am secretly proud of the creativity in the plans they drum up to achieve said goal.

Brent said...

Heh, Jillian. That's funny.

Joy, your brother's a smart man.

Joy said...

Richard doesn't support Paul. He just threw his vote away intentionally. He's got a funny sense of humor.

Jillian- Very funny. Nice.

ADDollhouse said...

Hee hee hee! Nice.