Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Girly-Girl Stamp of Approval.

On the heels of a recent dream, I stumbled across this sheer brilliance. Balloon fashion? Briliant.

Check these out:


Shannon said...

Crazy, yet fascinating! It takes quite a creative mind to even come up with this kind of stuff!

ADDollhouse said...


(One of my deepest secrets is that I used to be a birthday party clown. I can twist balloons. But my hardest one is, like, a poodle. Nothing amazing like THAT!)

Jules said...

I can't wait to tell my mother to toss the wedding dress pattern she's been holding on to for 15 years, and to start taking balloon-making lessons instead.

Those pictures are awesome.

RealFruitBeverage said...

One un latched safety pin away from the mother of all wardrobe malfunctions. I wonder if they have safety control measures when they show these things off.

I must admit I'm impressed.

Mrs. Small House said...

I love that I'm not the only one who thought of wardrobe malfunctions.

Joy said...


Kip-you were a clown? That's awesome!

Jules-Can't wait to see what you're mom comes up with.

FruitBev. Good thing they are all wearing bodysuits underneath, but yeah, could you imagine the aftermath?

Granola- Guess great minds think alike.

**"Liza"** said...

woooh!! that is amazing! geessh i wonder how long it takes them to do one dress out of this balloons.

Bonfire said...

holy awesome dress batman!