Years ago, I went to a family reunion with my Grandma and family up in Idaho at my Great Uncle's house on Lois Lane (My Great Aunt's name was Lois, I believe) in Twin Falls. As we got to the house, I remember thinking ,'Hmm, that's a turquoise blue house." We pulled up, and there was at least one large rock with turquoise embedded in the rock. When we walked into the house, the paint in the house was mostly blue, my Aunt was wearing turquoise blue and there was a lot of blue knick-knacks on the shelves. Needless to say, she was dubbed the Blue Buhler after that by us kids. I smiled to myself when I saw this great article from New York Magazine about people who just wear one color. 5 New Yorkers were interviewed, and its a great little piece. My favorite was this:
Where did you live?We used to live on the Lower East Side. A hippie gang was on our block, and you had to know them to get down the street. They had weapons and chains. They babysat for our son.Hippie gangs make me happy. I wonder what their gang sign was.
I can see them, swinging their chains and dredlocs around...
I really like the Lower East Side, knowing there was once a hippy gang there just makes it all that much cooler.
There was a mauve lady who used to go to my step-sister's figure skating competitions. Even her hair was mauve.
Wow, the term "hippie" has really evolved over the years. Gangs with weapons and chains, huh?
Yeah, I was kind of grinning to see her describe hippies with chains and weapons. The thing is, I think this hippie gang existed probably 30 or 40 years ago from reading her profile.
I was kind of hoping that they danced when they faught, or was that just the Puerto Rican's?
faught, fought. Whatever.
Sherpa-Hippie Dancing...that works. I think they stole that from the Puerto Ricans.
Sherpa can't spell hippie.
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