Wednesday, February 06, 2008

¿Shazz, Donde Estas?

The passcode is: Dane

Even if your name isn't Shannon, feel free to sign up and play with us. We're looking for more people to join up.


Shannon said...

I think you are talking to me (Shazz) but I'm not Sharon. :)
I'm trying to join, honest. But I lost my password and Fafarazzi keeps saying they sent me a new one but it's been hours and still nothing. I've tried ten times! Jerks!
- Or maybe they just don't want me to put you guys to shame!

Joy said...

Bring it on sistah, even if I don't know your name. Sorry about that, I totally know your Shannon, but I think I was having problems this morning. I didn't even know what day it was this morning.

No worries, hope it all gets straightened out. Laurie knows Todd, maybe she can put a good word in for you.

Shannon said...

I got sick of waiting for my password so I signed up with my other email. That means on, sista!