Monday, March 10, 2008

John Bloxham

I wasn't going to talk about this anymore, but since I've been getting comments about it today, and my posts about John Bloxham still get visited almost every day, here's the latest news: John Bloxham's trial starts today. My prayers goes out to the families of Todd Rogers and John's.


erinannie said...

If it gets any media coverage can you send me a link? I'd like to follow it from out here.
It still seems strange that one year ago we were playing kickball with him.

Shannon said...

Wow. I guess you just really never know what people are capable of. How sad.

Joy said...

Erin- Actually, when it broke last summer there was a lot more media coverage in Utah than there was out here. I wonder if the trial will be the same. If I see anything out here, I'll probably just link them to this post but I'll send them your way too.

Shannon-so true.

D. SKye Hodges said...

If it gets any media coverage, I'm interested in it as well, I live in Utah, so we haven't heard much about it out here (I'm subscribed to the comments on this post). I grew up with the Rogers family (and found out about the trial date from them), and am Googling around for more information as to what happens. I feel for both families as well, because I'm sure I can't imagine how it would be for a parent to hear either news ("your son has been murdered", or "your son has been accused of murder"). I hope that things are quickly resolved so that this matter can be put to rest and that both families can have some peace in their lives. Thanks for your updates Sherpa.

Joy said...

The trial will probably last until Friday and maybe go into next week. No newspapers have picked it up yet, they probably won't until its concluded.

Joy said...

The trial is over. John was convicted of first degree murder yesterday afternoon.