Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Feet of Judas

CHRIST washed the feet of Judas!
The dark and evil passions of his soul,
His secret plot, and sordidness complete,
His hate, his purposing, Christ knew the whole,
And still in love he stooped and washed his feet.

Christ washed the feet of Judas!
Yet all his lurking sin was bare to him,
His bargain with the priest, and more than this,
In Olivet, beneath the moonlight dim,
Aforehand knew and felt his treacherous kiss.

Christ washed the feet of Judas!
And so ineffable his love ’twas meet,
That pity fill his great forgiving heart,
And tenderly to wash the traitor’s feet,
Who in his Lord had basely sold his part.

Christ washed the feet of Judas!
And thus a girded servant, self-abased,
Taught that no wrong this side the gate of heaven
Was ever too great to wholly be effaced,
And though unasked, in spirit be forgiven.

And so if we have ever felt the wrong
Of Trampled rights, of caste, it matters not,
What e’er the soul has felt or suffered long,
Oh, heart! this one thing should not be forgot:
Christ washed the feet of Judas.

George Marion Mclellan

From the Book of American Negro Poetry. 1922


Joy said...

I find this poem a little heavy-handed, but I can't get past the simple truth of this poem.

plainoldsarah said...

hey that's a good lesson. at first i started reading it and wondering what crazy music you were now listening to - but the source explains it all. and amzing how knowing the source humbled me enough to appreciate the truth and not be judgemental of the delivery.

Putz said...

sherpa, what origanally got me started on this blogging was nosurfgirl and her stand onour war, and her stand against evil....well ia am for anyone who could serve an evil person in a wonderful way(jesus).....also like ghandi, martin luther king, lex velenzca. prophet monsen my stake president etc etc etc

Shannon said...

Definitely a something to think about when we have those un-Christ like feelings in our hearts. Thanks for posting it!

Anonymous said...

It does make the point, Sherpa.

Joy said...

PlainOldSarah-Well, I do like old school gospel, but that's beside the point, I think. Thanks for sharing that lil' story.

Putz-I'm a little confused, because I don't really know where NoSurf stands on Iraq, or where you stand on that-or the correlation. Could you share? Thanks, Joy

Shannon-yeah, I had a rough week (month) with a certain person at work, and this poem really hit home to me.

Guy-As a piece of literature, I could pick it apart a bit-but there's still a style and that simple truth of the poem. That's why I shared it.