Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Peep Set Me Up

Several of my friends have blogged and mentioned the Washington Post's second annual Peep diorama contest. There were a ton of great entries, and here's three of my favorites: Peepbusters? Check out the proton packs, the Stay-Puff Marshmallow peep, this diorama does justice to a great movie (that is even better after watching the Exorcist).
This diorama recounts the best moment of DC politics history and one of the best lines uttered by a politician. The purple peep is Marion Barry being busted by the FBI. The name of this is "Peep set me up," a send-up of the best line in DC politics ever. Check out the Dime bag, the post, etc.

No Country for Old Peeps. I admit, I haven't seen this movie yet, but I've read the book and know what's going on here. Great diorama.