While watching the Season Finale of 30 Rock, I realized the scenes in DC with Jack and "Cooter," hit a little too close to him. Jokes about toilet water and not getting pens? As over the top as these jokes seems, um yeah, they really aren't, at least in my little corner of the Guvment. All I can say is, Tina Fey, please keep Jack in DC for a few more episodes at least. In other government news, although this year was the hardest year yet, the
Departmental Honor Awards Convocation I direct each year was a success. We even had an esteemed Senator from Idaho in attendance.
Ha, I loved that episode too! I still HAVE to use my own pens at work!
Me too! Well, I ask for pens, but our Assistants always give us the white skilcraft pens. The ones that are good for maybe one sentence if you are lucky? I hate those pens. Oh, and there's a distinct odor of sewage in our main hall. Its not toilet water, but its definitely sewage.
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