My blog was locked today by blogger. Apparently the blogger-robots tagged it as possible spam and I got an e-mail saying that I was a possible spam violator. Luckily, it was unlocked but that'll teach me to use the same post title twice in a row. I'm guessing that's what triggered the 'bots. Who knows?
u are going to think i.,m wierd, but do you know what i think???? i think(another movie) that when dave bowman in the odessey got locked out of the spaceship and asked HAL if he could get back in and hal said"i don't thik so dave", that the computer knew what he was doing, and when the blogger robots keep you out THAT THEY DO IT INTENTIONALKLY .....i often get just ready to post a remark and the computer wiskss it away and i am left with egg on my face
Time to move to Wordpress!
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