Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Best of BWE's Top 15 Signs Gay-Ken was Gay

Unless you've been hiding under a rock, you must've heard the biggest non-story of the year, apparently that Clay Aiken publicly announced that he's gay on the cover of People Magazine. I wasn't going to blog about it until I saw the following pictures from a BWE post, "The Top 15 Signs Clay Aiken is Gay." These three? My favorite.


aisy said...

i'd seriously like a star to come out and it be a huge surprise. who did clay think he was fooling?

Sara said...

Lots of people were shocked about Rosie and Ellen, but I had thought they were out all along.

I'm going to be shocked if it turns out Lindsay Lohan is a real lesbian. Right now I'm thinking she's simply unstable.

Joy said...

Aisy-Seriously. That would be cool.

Sara-I hear ya. I was surprised that either was a big deal either.

I hear you about LiLo.

Steve said...

Sara/Sherap - I agree. Ellen, Rosie, and Clay were pretty obvious the last couple of years before they were official. If anything, I think it made people like them more. Not sure why, but it worked for me too, haha. Well, not Clay. But at least he isn't living a lie anymore. Although, I wonder how his fan club is doing who always denied it. All those midwestern moms must be devestated!
I think being a lesbian could be good for Lohan. Plus, they are a cute couple. I remember when there was the rumor about Angelina and it helped her along for a few tough years to get roles that stretched her acting cred. That is exactly what Lohan needs to be taken seriously too.

Putz said...

is that clay in the white wedding dress...i swear where did he get those big breasts?????

Joy said...

Steve-I agree. I'm glad he isn't living a lie anymore. Good for him.

Putz- ;)

Daisy Paige said...

My brother-in-law was truly surprised and asked me if I had heard the news. He's way into celebrity gossip, but I didn't realize Clay Aiken had never officially 'come out'.