Sunday, September 14, 2008

"I can see Russia from my house"


adamf said...

We stayed up till 11:30 to watch this (west coast) and it was worth the wait. I only hope they can bring Fey back for more. She's perfect.

Katz said...

hee hee. i KNEW you would post this.

Steve said...

Me too! I loved it. I was laughing so hard. Both were so good.

Mrs. Small House said...

It just never gets boring. Such a great clip!

Unknown said...

I knew, I would come here and find this on your blog... thought of you as soon as I saw it.

Hilarious. Hooray for Tina Fey.

Boo said...

I am so glad you posted this. I watched it on You Tube last night after catching a glimpse on CNN. Tina Fey has my vote anyday.

Salt H2O said...

On a serious note- this sketch does bring to light very compelling reason to vote for McCain..

4 more years of Tina Fey on SNL!

Steve said...

Salty, THAT is the ONLY reason to vote for McCain, haha. Although, I'm pretty sure we will all be making fun of Palin just like we still do of Dukakis and Bob Dole.

Joy said...

Last night my dad had the radio on Hannity or Savage and there were insulting SNL for this-saying that the show was scooping at the bottom of the barrel. Seriously people (on both sides) lighten up!

Steve said...

Hey, thanks for the shout-out on the Russian article. Glad someone read it and maybe enjoyed it. That post got ZERO comments, yet I post later about a pizza vending machine and everyone has an opinion! haha.

Joy said...

Steve-No problem. I did enjoy it, especially the latter half. I should've commented I guess. Funny, similar things happen here too.

Daisy Paige said...

This skit is easily one of my all-time favorites, ever.