Monday, September 08, 2008

Liz Lemon's Love Life:


Laurie said...

Four thoughts come to mind.

1. I had forgotten that she called that first guy "an ultrasound" and I just died laughing.

2. Floyd... sigh... that was tragic. Loved him.

3. I think dating a Dennis is some sort of prerequisite to finding someone kind and intelligent, because you might not recognize those qualities otherwise. Dennis... blergh!

4. I love that Jack is empathetic towards her at the right times. The pregnancy test episode was ultimately kinda sad, in a way.

Jules said...

This is in my Netflix queue. I caught the tail end of last season and loved it. Can't wait to catch up. Her love life makes me feel a little less worse about mine. :-)

Unknown said...

I just started watching this show (I watch online episodes while nursing my baby... to pass the time, anyway) and I LOVE it. Gosh. It almost makes me like senator Palin.