Friday, September 19, 2008

Song of the Week: Gillian was a Horse by Damien Jurado

Gillian Was A Horse - Damien Jurado


Dainon. said...

Our parallels are getting damn near ridiculous now. I was listening to this album ... and yes, this song, LOUDLY ... while coming to work this morning. I've been reviewing it for the station and learning that every song (at least through track 7) is good. EVERY ONE. One of his best albums to date, I'd say. No more singer-songwriter nonsense. This is full band rock 'n twang and roll.

Anna Linnea said...

We love your blog! You crack us up. How is life in DC? Good to hear from you. I agree, I think she is a Johnson!

Joy said...

D-Okay, what's even weirder is I've been meaning to ask you if the rest of the album is as good as this one, and you answered me without me asking the question..

Linnea-Thanks for stopping by! Great to hear from you, and your lil' Sophie is such a cutie!