Monday, October 13, 2008

Fire or Ice? I Say Chihuahua

I'm a little skeptical about doomsday talk. I have been for about 10 years or so, but hearing that Beverly Hills Chihuahua is the number one film in the country? I'm starting to believe. The fact that I've linked the trailer to this film to my blog? Another sign the end of the world may be fast approaching.

- The most popular videos are here


Dainon. said...

Two weeks in a row, no less. Wow.

Nicole said...

looks like a good show. my family has loved the talking chihuahua ever since the yo quero taco bell commercials.

Bethany said...

Actually, what this says to me is the morons in Hollywood need to realize people want to be able to see movies with their entire family.

We're hard up for entertainment the kiddies can watch, too. They need to make more family stuff.

(Though *our* family wasn't even desperate enough to wade through the chihuahua waters.)

Mrs. Small House said...

I had no idea this even existed.
and yeah, at least the #1 movie isn't R rated for a change.

Steve said...

It shows that Americans are pretty tasteless! haha. I'd rather have McCain as President then have to see this!!! haha. Ok, maybe not....

Joy said...

Dainon-Second level of hell.

Nicole-We've got to talk. Or, get thee to a tv with Arrested Development on it! Stat!

Bethany-It's fustrating.

Kristi-I can't decide if R-rated chihuahuas would be an appoint.

Steve-Yup, your country men have no taste.

McCain sin Palin? Yup.

Shannon said...

Wow. That's sad.
I'd better go start my repentance process.