Sunday, October 05, 2008

What would a maverick do in this situation?

I wasn't going to blog Fey as Palin anymore. And then, I watched the latest clip, and there was another Sherpa crush, Miss Latifah, and Floyd the Flower Guy from 30 Rock. So, here you go.


Dainon. said...

If you didn't throw this up, I would have. I very nearly did ... just minutes before you, even. Which should surprise absolutely no one in this company.

Salt H2O said...

I prefered the C-Span rendition of Pelosi and the explination of the housing crisis. Pelosi's eyes killed me.

aisy said...

this is gold for fey... GOLD!

Steve said...

Ha, this had me laughing so hard! And the Pelosi by Wiig was spot on!
BTW, love the Miller shout out at the top of the page! He is one of my faves!