Thursday, November 13, 2008

From Smokey

I've been sick since before Halloween and I'm currently home on Doctor's orders, which is good because I can finally get over this flu/cold/bronchitis/asthma party-virus that I have, but kind of annoying because the drugs I am on leave me with about a 90 second attention span. That being said, when I woke up this morning, it was the best I've felt since I got sick. Too bad it was at 3:00 am. Anyway, don't feel sorry for me, there's a lot of people out there with worse chronic illnesses than mine.

Anyway, "Smokey" sent this to me this morning, telling me that his wife already follows February 10th. The article is funny, but if you really want a laugh, check out some of the comments. Smash, they are all yours.

The First 83 Days
Every new president tries to emulate Franklin D. Roosevelt's famous "100 Days"
strategy of 1933 with a blitz of new initiatives, but Barack Obama is so
special he'll need only 83.

Based on in-depth research — via right-wing websites — here's Obama's agenda

between Inauguration Day and Easter Sunday.

Jan. 20: Deliver Inaugural Address (in Farsi) on YouTube.

Jan. 21: Redecorate Oval Office as cave.

Jan. 22: Get fitted for turban (Barack).

Jan. 23: Get fitted for burkha (Michelle & girls).

Jan. 24: Name new puppy: Roe-ver Siswade.

Jan. 25: Veggie Monday.

Jan. 26: Bill Ayers Medal of Freedom ceremony.

Jan. 27: Enroll girls in madrassa.

Jan. 28: Poison water supplies (red states).

Jan. 29: Ahmadinejad state dinner.

Jan. 30: Redistribute wealth.

Jan. 31: Nuke Wasilla.

Feb. 1: Hugo Chavez @ Camp David.

Feb. 2: Outlaw fur.

Feb. 3: Repeal Second Amendment.

Feb. 4: Talk-Like-A-Kenyan Day.

Feb. 5: Dick Cheney? Two words: extraordinary rendition.

Feb. 6: Rumsfeld trial begins at The Hague.

Feb. 7: Soak rich.

Feb. 8: Soak middle class.

Feb. 9: Declare basketball national pastime.

Feb. 10: Arugula: It's what's for dinner.

Feb. 11: Tim Robbins Film Festival.

Feb. 12: Washington Monument renamed for Harold Washington.

Feb. 13: Replace Gideon Bibles with Korans.

Feb. 14: Jeremiah Wright Crusade at Yankee Stadium.

Feb. 15: Outlaw snow machines.

Feb. 16: Redeploy troops from Iraq to Texas.

Feb. 17: National Flag-burning Day.

Feb. 18: Date w/Barney Frank.

Feb. 19: Mandatory sex education in utero.

Feb. 20: Declare Karl Marx Holiday.

Feb. 21: Have IRS audit Joe the Plumber.

Feb. 22: Name Rashid Khalidi America's ambassador to the U.N.

Feb. 23: Tell FBI to make sure Sarah Palin returned clothes.

Feb. 24: Hunt down bin Laden for Medal of Freedom.

Feb. 25: Ash Wednesday; Spring Ramadan begins.

Feb. 26: Chicago White Sox: America's Team.

Feb. 27: Pardon Tony Rezko.

Feb. 28: Pardon Rod Blagojevich.

March 1: Pardon Al Capone.

March 2: Run-Down-America Day.

March 3: Donate fake birth certificate to National Archives.

March 4: Raise taxes.

March 5: Destroy incentives.

March 6: Get Alito to resign, replace w/ Hillary Clinton.

March 7: Get Scalia to resign, replace w/ Bill Clinton.

March 8: Get Roberts to resign, replace w/ Chelsea Clinton.

March 9: Replace Pledge of Allegiance with Fist Bump of Allegiance.

March 10: Annex Mexico. Presto! No more illegal immigrants.

March 11: Redistribute Mexico's wealth.

March 12: Mother's Day, out. Baby Mama's Day, in.

March 13: Deport Toby Keith.

March 14: National Prayer (Rug) Breakfast.

March 15: Declare self as Anti-Christ.

March 16: Give Sarah Palin a much closer view of Russia.

March 17: Mock St. Patrick.

March 18: Put McCain on ice floe.

March 19: Nationalize oil companies.

March 20: Nationalize Google.

March 21: Outlaw NASCAR.

March 22: Work on jump shot.

March 23: Declare caribou an endangered species.

March 24: Redistribute more wealth.

March 25: Legalize gay marriage.

March 26: Legalize transgender marriage.

March 27: Replace "E pluribus unum" with just plain "unum."

March 28: Ban bowling.

March 29: Create National Leftist Militia.

March 30: Betray Israel.

March 31: Global warming initiative: dress in Arab robes.

April 1: Rename Canada "Yeswecanada."

April 2: Create joint U.S.-Europe currency: "baracko."

April 3: Fellow celebrity Paris Hilton to head CIA.

April 4: Jon Voight, Hank Williams Jr. join McCain on ice floe.

April 5: Close Guantanamo.

April 6: Except for Rush Limbaugh.

April 6: Raise taxes again.

April 7: Redistribute remaining wealth.

April 8: National Pal-Around-With-Terrorists Day.

April 9: Socialize medicine.

April 10: Socialize everything else.

April 11: Cancel White House Easter Egg Roll.

April 12: Cancel Easter.


Putz said...

are you sure you are over this mung you have had..home on doctor's orders...are you sure this horrible mung didn't go somewhere in your body and hide and is waiting patientlt to come out again in 6 monts to ravage your body onece again...i never really get over any illnesses...they are always hiding in my body...i am always one sick dude

Mrs. Small House said...

Okay, THAT is funny (not your illness). I think "Deport Toby Keith" is my favorite. HA!

Lucy Stern said...

Well Shepra, If you are coughing and have lots of congestion, try "OLive Leaf", it worked wonders for me. Drink plenty of herbal tea, gargle with warm salt water, eat oranges and gratefruit and of course chicken soup. TF was sick a couple of weeks ago and when I finally decided to put the vaporizer in the bedroom, he quit coughing after about two days. Also, if you have been on antibotics, you will need to eat some yogurt after get well to help the good bacteria grow back and help fight off more infection. (Antibotics kill off the good and the bad bacteria so you need to restore the good.)

As far as the 83 days, the part that worries me the most is:
Feb 7 & 8, March 3, 4,10,19 & 29th as well as April 8,9 & 10....... As you can tell, I am a conservative....Barack is an unknown and I don't think our great country can survive a socialist or socialist Marxist president. Only time will tell....let's pray I am wrong, but I have a gut feeling I'm not.

PS. If you believed what Bonnie said, then you are wrong....She blew her top when she didn't get her way and made up a lot of stuff. I think she regrets it now but the damage is done.

Unknown said...

I loved the comment about "except for Rush Limbaugh." lol.

Go Arugula!

Nicole said...

yeah arugula! and hooray for veggie monday!

Bernadette Pasley said...

Outlaw NASCAR. Yeah, there you go!

Jillian said...

Baby Mama Day....that one nearly killed me.