1. Family, both kin and unrelated.
2. The feeling of unconditional love
3. Old and new friends.
4. Sleep
5.Consuelo (not a great definition, but that'll do)
6. Brenda's kids.
7. Visitors at the hospital.
8. Neola in November
9. Steven, my baby brother.
10. Emily Dickinson
11. Gifts of herbal tea and Ricola.
12. Reminders that others have it much worse off than me (the cardiology ward of the hospital)
13. Blessings
14. Cheese Pizza
15. Joyrides (pun not intended)
16. Bill Clinton
17. Huckleberry Finn
18. A RN for a best friend. Just ask her about the "bloodbath" sometime. Best comic relief ever.
19. Thomas Monson and the Utah Jazz
20. Rides home, rides to the store. Thanks Jenny
21. Mr. Tambourine Man
22. This
23. Virginia Hospital Center Staff. Everyone rocked.
24. Oh My God, Charlie Darwin
25. Hugs
26. Wordscraper and MobWars (awesome when you have no attention span)
27. Gifts of Gatorade.
28. The fact I really like my job.
29. Whatever or whomever I've missed.
I love your list. Although, I must say I am thankful that I have finished teaching Huck Finn to my regular juniors. The advanced kids are loving it. I think. Hope you have a great Thanksgiving day!
My girls love you too, so much so that they had to get you flowers before we left(ahh choo-- sorry!)
i love bill clinton, he is one democte who could spend all my money and i would not care...i hopwe i feel the same about biG Q
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