Friday, November 07, 2008


I've been thinking the past week or so about this blog, where I want it to go, and kicking myself in the butt for not writing as much as I should (I'm a lazy writer). This blog has been primarily about what ever I'm feeling at the time or interested in. Yes, it's all over the place, I guess. However, I don't talk about two things I spend as much time reading about as I do cooking, crafts, movies, music, cycling etc. I haven't talked baseball hardly on here, or politics. I've not talked politics mostly because I just didn't want to go there, and was a little chicken about it. But even though politics divides me from the rest of my family sometimes, we do have one thing we agree upon: The Yankees. My Dad and his Dad picked the Yankees back in the late fifties, I believe and most of that side of the family are fans. In fact, I would have to say they are the only Sports team I really care about anymore, and follow almost daily. So during this 30 days of this nablopomo thing I committed to do, you may hear about the Yanks or current events. Or not.


Mrs. Small House said...

I don't know how people stay on topic with blogs. Mine is totally not what I intended and is a rambling one too. But I like reading others rambling blogs so maybe it's okay.

Steve said...

I like different things. I get bored reading the same topic all the time. That is why I like personal blogs, you never know what to expect! But don't expect any comments from me about baseball. I hate baseball, haha.

Putz said...

see what i have done to my last eight posts...instead of a new post i did something unbelievable, astuonding ,out of this are going to have to scroll over to see how amazing I AM

Daisy Paige said...

I'm not really a baseball girl, but I hear you on keeping politics on the back burner. I'd be more open about things if my mother-in-law wasn't literally crazy, but whatever keeps the peace, right?

ShaBANG said...

I'm always amazed and intimidated by your blog and following. When my blogs grow up I want them to be just like yours.

Smokey said...

Well I guess you won't have any lectures coming my way over blogs or email now your ignoring politics.

About those Yankee's my two cents is they need to get pitchers. It is that simple you win or lose by your starting staff. So if they want a chance to win the next couple of years they have too get C.C or Ben Sheets. They have tired winning by outscoring everybody and it hasn't worked so don't even waste your time with Manny. All Manny might do is get them to the playoffs but they won't win the World Weries.

At the same time they have to get some young prospects through their farm system.

Anonymous said...

Sports -- Yankees -- That is all it takes to get Smokey (your biggest little brother) excited & writing.

Joy said...

Smokey-See I kind of disagree. First off, you're a brat. Why in the world do you need to lecture me about politics? I don't lecture you.....

I disagree about Manny. Well, I'm mixed. I think the Yanks need to hold onto the pitching talent they have. I don't want to see any trades. They also need to nurture the young pitchers at the farm level, but even though Hughes didn't have a great year I'd like to see him stay.
The bats were silent. A-Rod needs another star and we'll see him performing, but he's not an anchor. I don't want to see Manny in pinstripes, but I think he may fill that gap. I also don't think the Yanks will let "Manny be Manny" like he was with the Red Sox. The Red Sox should have disciplined him much more than they did. Then the way they let him go? Poor. That being said, I still hope the Yanks end up with Manny.

Joy said...

Daisy-I hear ya. I feel the same way.

Smokey said...


First of what I said was they need to improve their pitching prospects, but that takes time so to bridge that gap before they have good prospect. I would sure whether see them use their money on good pitching then good batting.

If they get Manny it would be just like when they acquired Giambi, Damon, or A-Rod himself. Homeruns won't win you a championship pitching and defense does. The reason Phillies, Red Socks, and Cardinals won the world series the last three years is because of Hammels, Beckett, and Carptener. I realize you have to score runs and Manny would help but what happens when Tampa Bay and the Red Socks bring out their best pitcher and we can't score.

and I didn't lecture you about politics anymore than you lecture me.

Joy said...

Smoke-I don't lecture you about politics.

Of course pitching wins world series. Everyone knows that. The Yanks have some stellar young talent, and I don't want to see them trade that away. That being said, Wang will be back, Chamberlain will be pitching. It would be nice to see another ace on staff, but they may be okay.

I'm just preparing myself for Manny, if they get him. Rich, the Yanks should have kept Soriano.

Nicole said...

Yes you do in your own little way.

Wang is good and will win 15-20 games but he isn't a pitcher that is going to scare another team like C.C, Sheets, Beckett. Chamberlin could get there and they will never get rid of him but he isn't there yet either as a starting pitcher.
They don't have to trade their pitchers away C.C and Ben Sheets are free agents sign them instead of manny. They have the money now they didn't resign Giambi or Pavano.

Smokey said...

Your funny. Have a nice day

Joy said...

You too!