Monday, November 03, 2008

Sherpa’s Election Day Manifesto

This has been a long day coming but due to my rising blood pressure, I can’t keep quiet any longer. So here’s my little diatribe on politics and this campaign that (thanks heaven) is winding down.

Come on people! Are your political beliefs more important to you than the way you treat each other?
One of the keystones to a great Democracy is the free interchange of ideas. Yes, this is an important election year, but is the stakes so great that we forget that there are some things more important than whether or not so and so wins the ticket.
Calling someone who disagrees with you politically stupid or an idiot? That’s not funny, and it doesn’t exactly create a cordial environment.
Using the “You’re either with us or against us” slogan? That’s so 2001. Even then, it wasn’t the most logical bit of persuasion.
I’m not going to cite scriptures or conference talks or even Mr. Rogers, but let’s try and get a long a little better. Tolerance isn’t a dirty word.
I know individuals feel the stakes are very high in this election, and because of that people are getting a little carried away, but there’s no reason we can’t still discuss the issues, disagree and still be friends.
Arguing is fun, but at the end of the day, agreeing to disagree and carrying on a civil conversation? Priceless.
Personally, one Political Party isn’t out to destroy the free world, and even in warfare there’s the Geneva

Politics is not a Hallmark Movie!
Don’t try to tug at my heart-strings with your “I’m Proud to be an American schpeel.” Lee Greenwood has its place…at rodeos or country fairs, but not in trying to win over someone to your cause.
Don’t try to get emotional and tell me the end of your world is nigh unless I vote a certain way. I may agree with you and still get really annoyed with the fact that you are turning politics into a after school special. See, its really hard to argue normative values, and normative positions should probably stay out of political speech. The subjective is just that, subject to change from person to person.

"Your America may not be my America but it still can be our America"
Everyone has a little different idea of what America is. What America is to me is probably different than it is to you, and everyone else. However, preaching to me what America is isn’t going to sway me in your direction. America is a plurality and that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

Personally, I know a lot of very educated people who are well-versed in political literature and the Founding father’s canon. These people are libertarians, liberals, conservatives, and leftists. I’ve seen where people of similar backgrounds look at the same article and process it differently, and arrive to different conclusions politically. That doesn’t mean that one is smarter or dumber than another.

“The Founding Fathers are like the Scriptures and Ghostbusters-Don’t use them for Evil…”

Using the Founding father’s as a trump card is lame. Yes, they were very influential and what they did was inspired and even sacred. I enjoy reading their writings many people do, but as a trump card saying argument is over? I’m sorry, but that’s lame. There’s been inspired men that have led this country since then, and there’s inspired political thought being written even now.

“Republicans are for less government and Democrats are for more government”
“Republicans are out to make sure everyone has a gun and take out abortionists and are religious bigots”

Although there’s some truth to the first statement above, that’s a straw man fallacy. So is the second statement.

As far as Prop. 8 goes-to me that's a state's right issue. I understand why the LDS church supports it, and I'm okay with that. But i'm not a California resident, and even though the outcome may affect us all in the future, some of the behavior I've seen on both sides makes me shudder. Even though its a very passionate subject, I'm still a little horrified on the nature of discourse. On both sides. Maybe I'm wrong, but publically displaying acts of intolerance of your position doesn't make your position more right. Calling others religious bigots isn't exactly civil.

Then there's ad-hominem. Really, we're all hypocrites. Saying so and so is a hypocrite is a given. Your candidate is a hypocrite. I'm a hypocrite, you're a hypocrite. Why? Because no one is perfect. Hypocrisy is really, really easy to find, and its one of the oldest political tricks in the book.

Is it a pipedream to be wish for a civil atmosphere to discuss debates? Perhaps. Has there ever been a civil atmosphere politically? Even the Founding Fathers never had it, but personally, I honestly believe its not necessarily the issue you're backing but how you treat your opposition. Oh sure, there's a way to win politically, but it the right way to win? You tell me. There will always be dirty politics, as long as there's asses and elephants in our midst perhaps. Oh sure, maybe I should be better off singing kumbaya along a campfire, but as someone who adores the political process, government and the ilk, and is somehow less and less partisan the past few years, this is where I'm coming from. Don't try to discredit me or others by telling me how much education, how well read or versed you are in politics. Just discuss with me, and your education and intellect will come through. Personally, telling me who or what you are does little for me, just be and do and I'll respect you all the more-
If you reached this far, thanks for reading my rants. I could go into more detail, and there's a few other bits I could talk about but this will suffice for this election. I apologized if I alienated some people who read this blog. I still love ya!


Debra said...

I love you for writing this. I couldn't agree more.

I really hate the whole I'm-right-you're-wrong attitude that some people have. It's so frustrating to hear people from both sides say how "scared" they are about this election and the person from the political party they are not affiliated with winning. Frankly, I think the country will be better either way than with Dubya in the office.

Unknown said...

This is so good I am Facebooking it. Sherpa, thank you, thank you for writing this. It truly needed to be said, especially "Tolerance isn't a dirty word".

ChelMo said...

Thanks so much for posting this. It's exactly how I feel, only I've been much too frustrated this political cycle to deal with it.

I DO live in California, and I'm so SO tired of the way everyone treats the Prop 8 issue. It isn't black and white, and the people who disagree with you aren't necessarily evil, they aren't necessarily bigots, and they aren't out to indoctrinate your children. I really feel that this issue has brought out the worst in a lot of people - and I'm good friends with people on both sides of the aisle. I just drove past a busy street corner near my home during rush hour, and it was a mob scene - so much so that I couldn't tell who was advocating which side. There were high school kids in bright shirts essentially saying that those who vote "yes" are bigots, there were probably a hundred yellow signs being waved around, and at least one cop with flashing lights and several more likely on the way. And I live in sleepy suburban San Diego County. I hate to think what SF or LA are like right now.

Really, I just want to slap the next person who says something political or who spams me with a video of why I should vote the only way that a logical, intelligent human being would vote. Shut up and let me use my own brain to decide for myself how I should vote.

Sara said...

“You’re either with us or against us” - isn't that what the Mormons say?
(Yes, it is. And it bugs the snot out of me.)

chartie said...

Kudos, Sherpa. Great post that I whole-heartedly support.

Steve said...

Fantastic post!

Nicole said...

wowzas - i agree. I think I say something quiet similar to this to richard every day (: Except I'm little less versed in politics than you andot quiet so eloquent. I really don't care who you vote for.....but it seems that plane tickets are EXPENSIVE! You'll have to come another time.

mj said...

So good and so true. I have been thinking about this article I read in the Onion pretty much constantly since that illustrates how ridiculous it is to charaterize someone with a different political philosophy as a total idiot. It's pretty funny/ sadly accurate.

mj said...

oops. my link was cut off. here it is:

mj said...

ok, looks like I'm the idiot as the link is still not showing up yet. Anyway, if anyone cares, it is called "Report: 60 Million People You'd Never Talk To Voting For Other Guy" and this might be a link to it: onion article.

I'm done now, even if it doesn't work.

Joy said...

Thanks everyone. I really appreciate your comments and taking the time to read my rants.

Chelmo-I can't believe how it would be to live in California the past couple of months. I'm sure you are so glad to have the election here and nearly over.

Sara-Yeah, that's kind of who I targeted there a little. It's a Bushism originally though, I believe.



Nicole- Yeah, my brother is starting to sound a little like my dad. Good luck with that.
I'll try and come out sometime.

MJ-I'll check it out. Thanks!

Jules said...

I love this. Mind if I cite you in the future?

Joy said...

Jules-I'd be honored.

Putz said...

so i have been waiting at least a year to hear you out and evertime i mentioned something politically to you, you swept it under the rug....finally someone who lives and workds in dc speaking out,,, wow, thanks for what i knew would be firecracker well thought out stuff and this was written after the election

Joy said...

Putz-Thanks. I don't talk politics that much. Maybe I should more, because I blindsided my own family with my vote. Anyway, I wrote this on Monday, but yeah---pretty much after the election was over.

Anna Linnea said...

Amen! I was getting so sick of all the bitterness! Thanks for the post!