Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Wordless II


aisy said...

i like that... a lot

Mrs. Small House said...

Nice! I saw one that said "President: now available in black" There's some good stuff going around.

Anna Linnea said...

That's cool. Thanks.

Steve said...

Sure a lot easier than finding Waldo!

What an awesome sight!

Putz said...

if i can just learn to live with lucy stern, tony my son who put a big black o on my blog that i had to erase, shel his farmgirl wife, steoh del from boozeman montana, then i think it all might be ok

Putz said...

oh and i hope people won't blame hime for the STOCK MARKET

ShaBANG said...

Don't laugh, but a first glance I thought it was a pic of or Church Leadership....

Joy said...

Shabang-Too late. ;)

Steve-Isn't that cool?

Putz-You can friend, you can.

Putz-They may. He's got a tough, tough road in front of him.

At work on Wednesday, I overheard a co-worker say, "This is a day the Lord has made." I really liked that.
Now, it's time to get back to work, but I think we really, really should lay down our differences and try to heal these wounds that were set this past 8 years. From both sides.

Unknown said...

Very wordless. I'm very happy.